幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:湯曉穎//(澳)紀毅//張勇//鄒方鎮//彭譯萱等|責編:張鑫
  • 出版社:電子工業
  • ISBN:9787121460432
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:178
人民幣:RMB 69 元      售價:



1  新·設計  源起  New-Design Origins
  1.1  兩個蘋果的故事 A Tale of Two Apples
  1.2  融合·共建·探索 Integration·Co-creation·Exploration
    1.2.1  融合:問題的提出 Integration: the question posed
    1.2.2  共建:無問東西 Co-creation: compatible and inclusive
    1.2.3  探索:從試點到常態 Exploration: from pilot to normal
2  新·工科 New-Engineering
  2.1  基於傳統的現代設計探索 Modern Design Exploration Inspired by Traditional Culture
    2.1.1  外教說·[芬蘭]Hannu Popponen
    2.1.2  工作坊主題及語境\Workshop theme and context
    2.1.3  課程組織及教學準備\Course organization and teaching preparation
    2.1.4  目標與意義\Objectives and significance
    2.1.5  知識分享與交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
    2.1.6  問題與方法\Problems and approaches
    2.1.7  優秀作品展示與點評\Excellent works display and comments
  2.2  智能照明設計
Intelligent Lighting Design
    2.2.1  外教說·[芬蘭]Jaime De Vizcaya
    2.2.2  工作坊主題及語境\Workshop theme and context
    2.2.3  知識構建\Knowledge building
    2.2.4  展開程序與方法\Procedures and approaches
    2.2.5  優秀作品展示與點評\Excellent works display and comments
3  新·媒體 New-Media
  3.1  智能交互與生物設計 Intelligent Interaction and Biodesign
    3.1.1  外教說·[美]Liqin Tan
    3.1.2  知識構建\Knowledge building
    3.1.3  思維訓練\Thinking training
    3.1.4  能力提升\Competence enhancing
  3.2  智能手工藝設計 Smart Handicraft Design
    3.2.1  外教說·[英]Sean Clark
    3.2.2  知識構建\Knowledge building
    3.2.3  思維訓練\Thinking training
    3.2.4  學生作品賞析\Students』 work appreciation
    3.2.5  能力提升\Competence enhancing
  3.3  AR/VR 交互設計 AR/VR Interaction Design
    3.3.1  聯合教師說·杜本麟
    3.3.2  知識構建\Knowledge building
    3.3.3  思維訓練\Thinking training
    3.3.4  能力提升\Competence enhancing
4  新·環境 New - Environment
  4.1  基於未來生活的概念設計 Conceptual Design Based on Future Living
    4.1.1  外教說·[芬蘭]Hannu Popponen
    4.1.2  課程背景與目標\Course background and objectives
    4.1.3  課程組織及教學準備\Course organization and teaching preparation
    4.1.4  目標與意義\Objectives and significance
    4.1.5  知識分享與交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
    4.1.6  問題與方法\Problems and approaches
    4.1.7  優秀作品展示與點評\Excellent works display and comments
  4.2  可持續建築設計 Sustainable Architectural Design
    4.2.1  外教說·[芬蘭]Teemu Hirvilammi

    4.2.2  課程背景與目標\Course background and objectives
    4.2.3  知識分享與交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
    4.2.4  設計流程與方法\Design processes and approaches
    4.2.5  工作坊實錄\Workshop recording
    4.2.6  優秀作品展示與點評\Excellent works display and comments
  4.3  公共空間裝置 Public Space Installation
    4.3.1  外教說·[芬蘭]Esa Piironen
    4.3.2  課程背景與目標\Course background and objectives
    4.3.3  知識分享與交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
    4.3.4  設計流程與方法\Design processes and approaches
    4.3.5  工作坊實錄\Workshop recording

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