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  • 作者:楊不易|責編:蘇謙|譯者:李莉
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508545875
  • 出版日期:2022/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:167
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:


    楊不易Yang Buyi, originally called Yang Fangyi,is a native of Sichuan and lives in Chengdu.He is a member of the Sichuan WritersAssociation and Chengdu Writers Associa-tion, and he has authored False Single, Menand Women, and Living in Alleys, and co-au-thored History and Culture of Chengdu,Chengdu Craftsmanship and Chengdu Lifein Cultural Relics.

01  North China
  National Museum of China
    Painted Pottery Basin with Fish and Human Face Design
    Houmuwu Square Cauldron
    Pottery Story-teller Beating a Drum
    Sancai-glazed Pottery Musicians on Camelback
  The Palace Museum
    Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival
    A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains (ancient painting)
    Gezhong Youcai Daping (A Big Vase with Various Glaze Techniques)
  Zhoukoudian Site Museum
    Peking Man Skull Fossil
  Hebei Museum
    Jade Clothes Sewn with Golden Thread of Liu Sheng and Dou Wan
    Changxin Palace Lamp
  Tianjin Museum
    Taibao Ding
  Shanxi Museum
    Jin Marquis Bird-shaped Zun
  Inner Mongolia Museum
    Gold Crown of Xiongnu King
02  Northeast China
  Museum of Heilongjiang Province
    Brass Sitting Dragon of the Jin Dynasty
  Jilin Provincial Museum
    Silver-glazed Cockscomb-shaped Pot of the Liao Dynasty
  Liaoning Provincial Museum
    Wansui Tongtian Tie (Tang Transcription of Letters of Wang Xizhi's Family)
03  Central China
  Henan Museum
    Jiahu Bone Flute
    Fuhao Owl-shaped Bronze Zun
    Bronze Jin with Cloud Design
    Wu Zetian Gold Slip
  Yinxu Museum
    Oracle Bone Inscriptions
  Hunan Museum
    T-shaped Painting on Silk from Xin Zhui Tomb
    Plain Gauze Gown
  Hubei Provincial Museum
    Sword of Goujian
    Zenghouyi Chime Bells
04  East China
  Shandong Museum
    Bamboo Slips from Yinqueshan Han Tomb
  Nanjing Museum
    Brick Printing of Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove and Rong Qiqi
    Great Universal Geographic Map
  Nanjing Municipal Museum
    Blue-and-white Plum Case with Painting of Xiao He Chasing Han Xin of the Yuan Dynasty

  Shanghai Museum
    Shang Yang Square Sheng
  Zhejiang Provincial Museum
    Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture of Neolithic Age
    Hemudu Culture Ivory Carving with Twin-bird and Sun Patterns
  Anhui Museum
    E Jun Qi Bronze Tallies
  Jiangxi Provincial Museum
    Four-legged Bronze Yan with Deer-statue Ears
  Fujian Museum
    Persian Malachite Greenglazed Earthenware Vases
  Taipei Palace Museum
    Ding of Duke Mao
    Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
05  South China
  Guangdong Museum
    Duan Inkstone with Natural Mark of Monkey King
  The Museum of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
    Bronze Drum with Patterns of a Flying Egret Holding a Fish in Its Bill
  Hainan Provincial Museum
    「Zhulu Zhikui」 Seal
  Hong Kong Museum of History
    Timetable of Kowloon-Canton Railway
  Macao Museum
    Blue and White Carraca Porcelain
06  Southwest China
  Sichuan Museum
    Salt-making Pictorial Brick of the Eastern Han Dynasty
  Sanxingdui Museum
    Bronze Standing Statue
  Jinsha Site Museum
    Gold Foil of Sun and Immortal Birds
  Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum
    Chunyu with a Tiger-shaped Button from the Warring States Period
  Yunnan Provincial Museum
    Bronze Seashell Container with a Gilded Horseman and Four Oxen
  Guizhou Provincial Museum
    A Colored Batik Pleated Skirt with Egret Pattern of the Song Dynasty
  Tibet Museum
    Jin Ben Ba Urn
07  Northwest China
  Shaanxi History Museum
    Painted Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Western Han Dynasty
    Murals in Tang Tombs
    Silver Sachet Decorated with Grape, Flower and Bird Patterns
  Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum
    Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang
    Bronze Chariots and Horses of Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum
  Baoji Bronze Ware Museum
    He Zun

  Gansu Provincial Museum
    Bronze Galloping Horse
  Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes  
    Mogao Grottoes Murals
  Ningxia Museum
    Gilt Bronze Bull
  Qinghai Province Museum
    Colored Pottery Basin with Dancing Pattern
  Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum
    A Brocade Arm Bracer with Eight Characters Meaning 「Five Stars Rising in the East Benefit China」

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