幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:朱千華|責編:梁媛|譯者:李方
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508545714
  • 出版日期:2022/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:197
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:


    朱千華,中國作家協會會員,現居廣西南寧。系《中國國家地理》雜誌、美國《國家地理》雜誌資深作家。作品散見於《人民文學》《花城》《延河》《散文》《美文》等雜誌。獲首屆朱自清文學獎。出版著作20多部,代表作有《家山何處》《三沙人文地理》《南方秘境》《挺進大石山》《青山壯歌》《稻作原鄉》等。2019年11月,獲中國作家協會「『深入生活、紮根人民』主題實踐先進個人」榮譽稱號。     廣西衛視《第一書記》欄目,中國首檔美麗鄉村公益節目,于2014年2月21日開播至今,是國內各大衛視中唯一長年周播的脫貧攻堅公益類節目。欄目主要介紹貧困村黨組織第一書記、扶貧工作隊隊員與鄉親們培育特色產業、改善生產生活條件,展示廣西脫貧攻堅中的感人事跡,調動社會各界愛心資源和力量投入脫貧攻堅和鄉村振興。

Chapter Ⅰ  Kung Fu Is both Martial Arts and Philosophy
  Section 1  Bruce Lee: Great Pioneer of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
  Section 2  Kung Fu = Martial Arts?
  Section 3  Evolution History of Kung Fu
Chapter Ⅱ  The Spirit of Martial Arts
  Section 1  Origin of Wushu
  Section 2  Shang-Zhou Wushu: Value Justice above Material Gains
  Section 3  Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period: The Glory of Assassins
  Section 4  The Han Dynasty: Warriors Shone Like Stars
  Section 5  Wushu in the Wei-Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties: Integration with Buddhism
  Section 6  The Prosperous Tang Dynasty: A Sword Equaltoa Million Troops
  Section 7  The Song Dynasty: 18 Kinds of Kung Fu Skills
  Section 8  The Yuan Dynasty: Horn Butting Wrestling and Horsemanship and Archery
  Section 9  The Ming Dynasty: Development of Kung Fu
  Section 10  The Qing Dynasty: Good at Riding and Shooting
  Section 11  Fighting to Erase the Humiliating Tag of 『Sick Man of East Asia』
  Section 12  Fight the Japanese with Kung Fu: Defend the Motherland
Chapter Ⅲ  Kung Fu: Shaolin in the North and Wudang in the South
  Section 1  History of Shaolin Kung Fu
  Section 2  Wudang Kung Fu: Good at External and Internal Cultivation
Chapter Ⅳ  Kung Fu in Chinese Martial Arts Fiction
  Section 1  Ancient Kung Fu Fiction: Martial Arts and Swordsmen
  Section 2  Kung Fu Fiction on Legal Cases
  Section 3  Old-style Kung Fu Novels
  Section 4  New-genre Kung Fu Novels
Chapter Ⅴ  Kung Fu Movies
  Section 1  Heavenly King: Bruce Lee and the Kung Fu Movie
  Section 2  Chinese Kung Fu and Kung Fu Movies Going Global
  Appendix 1  Main Schools of Chinese Traditional Martial Arts
  Appendix 2  A Brief Chinese Chronology

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