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  • 作者:洪敏|責編:劉凱
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568075763
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:193
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:


    洪敏,湖北漢川人,本科就讀於武漢大學政治學與行政學專業,輔修經濟學雙學位;碩士就讀於復旦大學高教所,開始以高等教育作為專業方向;碩士畢業后獲得澳大利亞政府獎學金赴昆士蘭大學攻讀博士學位,開始以高等教育國際化為主要研究方向,師從國際著名教育政策學者Bob Lingard教授和Ian Hardy副教授,畢業后回國就職于華中科技大學教育科學研究院,從事教學和科研工作。目前有多篇研究成果發表在Higher Education,Studies in Higher Education,Higher Education Research & Development等SSCI國際期刊及CSSCI期刊上。

Chapter 1: Introduction
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Historical Background of the Research
    1.2.1  IHE: A Global View
    1.2.2  Australian IHE: A Historical Overview
    1.2.3  Chinese IHE: Changes through time
    1.2.4  IHE: A Comparative Perspective
  1.3  Scope of This Book
    1.3.1  Selection of China and Australia to Research
    1.3.2  Selection of Study Period
  1.4  Research Aims
  1.5  Structure of the Book
Chapter 2: Literature Review, Theoretical Framework and Methodology
  2.1  Literature Review
    2.1.1  Globalization and IHE Policy
    2.1.2  IHE Policy in China
    2.1.3  IHE Policy in Australia
    2.1.4  Comparative Study of the IHE Policy
  2.2  Theoretical Framework
    2.2.1  Educational Policy Convergence and Divergence
    2.2.2  Path Dependence
    2.2.3  Soft Power
  2.3  Research Methodology and Methods
    2.3.1  Inductive and Deductive Approaches in Document Analysis
    2.3.2  Comparative Study
    2.3.3  Selection of Policies
    2.3.4  Analytical Framework and Methods Designed for this Study
  2.4  Summary
Chapter 3: Macro-Lens of IHE: National Rationale, Objectives and Strategic Priorities in China and Australia
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  A Brief History of IHE in China and Australia
    3.2.1  China』s IHE
    3.2.2  Overview of Australian HE under Globalization
  3.3  Overarching Meta-Policies in China
  3.4  Overarching Meta-Policies in Australia
    3.4.1  Bradley Review: The Review of Australian Higher
    3.4.2  Chaney Report: Australia-Educating Globally(2013-2018)
    3.4.3  A Smarter Australia: An Agenda for HE(2013-2016)
    3.4.4  National Strategy for International Education(2015-2025)
    3.4.5  Australian International Education 2025(2016-2025)
    3.4.6  Summary
  3.5  Comparison on Macro-Lens of Internationalization
    3.5.1  Overview of the two nations』 overarching meta?policies
    3.5.2  Rationale, objectives and strategic priorities
  3.6  Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter 4: Meso-Lens of IHE: Collaboration and Competition between Universities in China and Australia
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  The Theory of Cooperation and Competition
  4.3  Institution-Focused Policies in China

    4.3.1  Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools
    4.3.2  Construction of WCUs
    4.3.3  Confucius Institute Project
    4.3.4  Summary of Analysis of Institution?focused Policies
  4.4  Institution-Focused Policies in Australia
    4.4.1  Transnational HE
    4.4.2  Competitiveness of Australian Universities
    4.4.3  Summary of Analysis of Institution-Focused Policies
  4.5  Comparison on Mese-Lens of Internationalization
    4.5.1  Collaboration in 「Running」 Universities
    4.5.2  Competitiveness and the Construction of WCUs
    4.5.3  The Confucius Institute Project
    4.5.4  Summary of Institution?Focused Policies
  4.6  Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter 5: Micro-Lens of IHE: Inflow and Outflow Mobility of People in China and Australia
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Circulation under Globalization and IHE
  5.3  People Focused-Policies in China
    5.3.1  Inflow people in IHE: Study in China
    5.3.2  Outflow People in IHE: Chinese Studying Abroad
    5.3.3  Outflow People in IHE: Global Talents Recruitment
    5.3.4  Summary of People-focused Policies of China』s IHE
  5.4  People-Focused Policies in Australia
    5.4.1  Inflow People in IHE: Study in Australia
    5.4.2  Inflow People in IHE: Student Visas and Migration Policy
    5.4.3  Outflow People in IHE: Australians Learning Abroad
    5.4.4  Summary of People-Focused Policies of Australian IHE
  5.5  Comparison on Micro-Lens of internationalization
    5.5.1  Inflow-Foreign / International Students』 Policy
    5.5.2  Inflow-Global Talents Recruitment Policy
    5.5.3  Outflow-Learning Abroad
  5.6  Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter 6: Internationalizing HE with National Characteristics
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Policies of IHE in China and Australia, 2008-2020:Policy Convergence and Divergence
  6.3  Similar Global Trends but Different Responses: Internationalizing HE with National Characteristics
    6.3.1  Similar Global Trends of This Period(2008-2020)
    6.3.2  Different Responses by Nations: China and Australia
Chapter 7: Conclusion
  7.1  Concluding Remarking
  7.2  Contribution of This Study
  7.3  Limitations of the Study
  7.4  Future Research

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