幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:聖小利|責編:董穎
  • 出版社:南京大學
  • ISBN:9787305239151
  • 出版日期:2021/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:287
人民幣:RMB 50 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  Statement of the Problem
  Purpose of the Study
  Significance of the Study
  Research Questions
  Delimitations and Limitations
  Key Terms
Chapter 2  Literature Review
  School Readiness
  Conceptualizations of school readiness
  Factors influencing children's school readiness
  Parental Perceptions
  Parental perceptions and school readiness
  Parental Involvement
  Conceptualizations of parental involvement
  Parental involvement and school readiness
  Parental involvement and school readiness in Chinese families in the U.S.
  Theoretical Framework
  Social constructivist theory of child development
  Epstein's model of parental involvement
  The NEGP early childhood development dimensions
Chapter 3  Methodology
  Research Method
  Research Design
  Research Questions
  Data Collection
  Data Analysis
Chapter 4  Results
  Description of the Participants
  Theme 1: parents' roles
  Theme 2: major factors effective in children's school readiness
  Theme 3: parental involvement in children's school readiness
  Theme 4: practices in conquering barriers in children's school readiness
  Theme 5 : factors that affect Chinese parents' involvement
  Theme 6: suggestions concerning children's school readiness
Chapter 5  Discussion, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
  Discussion of Core Themes
  Theme 1: parents' roles in children's school readiness
  Theme 2: major factors effective in children's school readiness

  Theme 3: parental involvement in children's school readiness
  Theme 4: practices in conquering barriers in children's school readiness
  Theme 5: factors that affect Chinese parents'involvement
  Theme 6: suggestions concerning children's school readiness
  Implications for preschool programming and kindergarten programming
  Implications for incoming Chinese parents
  Implications for community sources
  Recommendations for future research
  Appendix A: Cover Letter to Parents
  Appendix B: Consent Form
  Appendix C: Interview Questions and Prompts
  Appendix D: Healing Children's Trauma after Hurricane Katrina
  Appendix E: Dissertation Critique
  Appendix F: Lesson Plan
  Appendix G: Enhancing Pre-K in Mississippi
  Appendix H: Dissertation Evaluation

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