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  • 作者:(法)索尼婭·布萊斯勒|責編:姜珊|譯者:(英)卡爾德·弗格森
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508545165
  • 出版日期:2020/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:251
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:


    索尼婭·布萊斯勒,Doctor of Philosophy and Epistemology (PhD). Consultant in communication & strategy,ethics and digital / Speaker, teacher-researcher in several schools and universities.She created the company of philosophy and strategy Bressler Conseil (in 2011).     Placing philosophy at the heart of her approach, she chose to confront it in the field, to jostle it up to raise geostrategic issues.     From traveling to traveling, she based her expertise on understanding cultures and especially listening to them. By dint of confrontation, she has established new reflections on the communication of influence, the issues of languages and territories (sometimes even imaginary). She has developed a data-philosophy in favor of human rights. It places ethics and the appropriation of datas at the heart of a metamorphosis of our social system.Since December 2017, she has created the publishing house, La Route de la Soie-Editions, whose main objective is to create links between cultures.

  Returning to Tibet
  Looking for the True Tibet
A Different Take on Tibet
  Oriental Thought versus Philosophy
  2007, the Audacity of a First Trip
  2012, Returning to Tibet
    Tibet according to the Media in 2012
    Discovering Tibet in 2012
  2016, Reviewing Tibetan Development
    Why Take an Interest in Tibet?
    How can We Bridge the Gap in Reality?
    How to Negotiate a 'Balance' between Tradition and Modernity?
    The Transformation of Tibet into a 'Shangri-La' and Perception problems
  2019, Tibet of the Future
    To Understand Tibet, We must Let Go of Our Western Habits
    Sketching the Future of Tibet
    Tibet as a Crossroads: an Observatory for Knowledge
    Tibet as a Crossroads: Cultural Diversity
    Tibet and the Roads of the Future
Tibet & History
  Tibet as Seen by Wikipedia
  The Tnbo Dynasty
  'Greater Tibet' or 'Three-Province Tibet'.
  Media Distortion
    The case of the website "G6o".
    point.fr newspaper website
    La Croix newspaper
    Tibet and the post-truth era
  Tibet, a Major Geopolitical Concern
  Defining geopolitics
  Philosophy & Geopolitics
  A located-body philosophy: a field philosophy
  A geopolitical philosophy: rejection of a Chinese thought
  The unequal treaties(不平等條約)
    First Opium War (August 1839-August 1842)
    Second Opium War (Octobre 1856-August 1860)
    British Geopolitics and Tibet
  Contemporary Geopolitics and the Name of 'Everest'?
  From Geopolitics to War Philosophy
Traveling & Discovering Tibet
Nyingchi (林芝)
  Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon(雅魯藏布大峽谷)
    Meeting the Nyima Family
  Bayi (八一鎮)
  Lake Basumtso(巴松措)
  Lulang Forest 魯朗林海)

Lhasa (拉薩)
  Tibetan Khata
  The train to Lhasa
  Chengguan District(城關區)Re tirement Home
  The Heart of Lhasa
  The Potala Palace
    Deyang Shar : the Eastem Courtyard
    The White Palace
    The Red Palace
    The Third Floor (or First beneath the Roof)
    The Three Chapels on the Southern Side
    The second floor (or second beneath the roof)
    The Third Floor, or First beneath the Roof,
    The Ground Floor, or Fourth beneath the Roof,
  Jokhang Monastery (大昭寺)
  The University Hospital
    Meeting Rigzin
    Tibetan Medfi
    The History of Tibetan Medicine: the rGyud-bZhi
    The Strength of Tibetan Thangkas
  Intercontinental Lhasa Paradise
    Meeting Tenzin
Things to See around Lhasa
  Lake Namtso(納木錯)
  Ganden Monastery(甘丹寺)
  Sera Monastery(色拉寺)
  Drepung Monastery(哲蚌寺)
  The Friendship Highway(友誼公路)
  Yamdrok-Tso Lake(羊卓雍措)
  Pelkor Chode Monastery(白居寺)
    The Kumbum
    The Grand Temple
Shigatse (日喀則)
  The train to Shigatse
  Tashilhunpo Monastery(扎什倫布寺)
    Maitreya Palace
    The Palace of Victory
    The Mausoleum of the 10th Panchen Erdeni
    The Panchen Erdeni Palace
    The tomb of the 4th Panchen Erdeni
    The mausoleums of the 5th and 9th Panchen Erdenis
    The Great Palace
Around Shigatse
  Shalu Monastery (夏魯寺)
  Rongbuk Monastery (絨布寺)
  Sakya Monastery (薩迦寺)
  Narthang Monastery(那塘寺)
  Mount Kailash (岡仁波齊)
    Lake Manasarovar (瑪旁雍錯湖)

    Lake Rakshastal (楞伽湖)
  Influence & Organisation
  What if We Put Peace at the Heart of Influence?
  The Silk Road as a Vehicle for Peace
  The Silk Road or the Western Fear of Invasion
  The 19th Century or the Installation of Constitutional Regimes in Europe
  The Silk Road Fascinates Writers
  The Silk Road Rises: the 'European Market' Fears
  The Silk Road or the Pacification of the World
  Tibet and the Future of the Silk Road
  Developing Humanism
  Education along the Silk Road
  Developing a New Economy

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