幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:呂帆//瞿佳
  • 出版社:人民衛生
  • ISBN:9787117304597
  • 出版日期:2020/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:49
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



1.  Why was this book published
2.  How do we choose the right device for online learning
3.  What is the proper length of an online class
4.  Should parents be present during online lessons
5.  What is the proper posture when having an online class
6.  How can the eyes be effectively rested during a break
7.  What can be done when eyes get dry after using mobile phones or computers for a long time
8.  What is the proper posture for reading and writing when studying at home
9.  What「outdoor activities」can be done while「staying at home」
10.  How can proper diet and sleep protect the eyes
11.  What are the warning signs for myopia?--Make a self—diagnosis
12.  What kinds of eye symptoms require immediate treatment at a hospital during the pandemic
13.  Are red eyes a symptom of contracting coronavirus Does it require immediate hospital treatment
14.  Can contact lenses or OK lenses be worn during the pandemic?
15.  What if an OK lens appointment is approaching during the pandemic?
16.  Under what circumstances should we stop wearing contact lenses?
17.  How can we prevent the transmission of COVID一19?
18.How can we prevent transmission of COVID一19 through the eyes?Should we wear eye protection?
19.  Why should we wash our hands。frequently at home? What is the proper way of washing hands?
201  How do we choose effective masks?
21.  What is the correct way to wear a mask?
22.How can parents help elementary and secondary school students maintain mental health during the pandemic?
Appendix The instructions for the 2.5一meter home—friendly visuol acuity chart

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