前言Foreword 本書使用說明How to use this book 隨筆 ESSAY白色圍裙White apron 筷架Hashioki (chopstick rest) 櫻花Sakura 便當Bento (box lunch) 研磨缽Mortar 漆器Urushi 柚子Yuzu 本書中使用的主要調味品Basic ingredients used in this book 日式烹調器具Japanese cooking utensils 蔬菜的切法How to cut vegetables 序章 PREFACE 讓我們一起做出美味的米飯吧Let's cook some delicious rice 煮飯方法How to prepare rice 一起捏飯糰吧The rice is cooked-now let's make「Onigiri」(rice balls) 飯糰的製作方法「Onigiri」(rice balls) 一起製作正宗的日式高湯吧Prepare dashi in the proper way 日式高湯的製作方法How to make dashi (soup stock) 用日式高湯製作味噌湯Miso soup with dashi 豆腐裙帶菜味噌湯Miso soup with tofu and wakame 第1章 肉類、魚類料理 MEAT & FISH 豬肉生薑燒Ginger pork 土豆燉牛肉「Nikujaga」(beef and potato stew) 味噌燉茄子牛肉Eggplant and beef simmered in miso 味噌西冷牛排Sirloin steak marinated in miso 筑前煮Simmered vegetables with chicken, Chikuzen-style 奶汁焗烤通心粉Macaroni gratin 蔥香炸雞Fried chicken with leek sauce 和風麻婆豆腐Japanese-style mabo-dofu 牛肉可樂餅Beef and potato croquettes 炸豬排「Tonkatsu」(pork cutlets) 味噌青花魚Mackerel simmered in miso 香煮銀鱈魚Aromatic stewed sablefish 鮭魚鮮蝦丸Salmon and shrimp tsukune meatballs 日式腌漬鮭魚Deep-fried salmon marinated in nanbanzu 炸蝦排Ebikatsu (shrimp cutlets) 第2章 蔬菜料理 胡蘿蔔金槍魚沙拉Carrot and tuna salad 土豆沙拉Potato salad 果仁菠菜Spinach with peanut sauce 焯拌番茄Tomato ohitashi 捲心菜沙拉Coleslaw 蕪菁獼猴桃薄片沙拉Turnip and kiwifruit carpaccio 脆爽拍黃瓜Easy pickled cucumber 美味豆腐「Gochiso-dofu」ldecorated toful 千層豆腐Tofu lasagna 四季豆炒肉Stir-fried string beans and ground pork 甜鹹土豆「Kofuki-imo」 (salty-sweet flavored potatoes) 日式蔥香土豆烤菜Japanese leek and potato grotin
炸浸蔬菜Deep-fried vegetables in mentsuyu 第3章 主食 日式牛肉飯Gyudon (beef on rice) 親子蓋飯Chicken and egg on rice 生薑飯Ginger rice 豬肉蔬菜什錦飯Steamed rice with pork and vegetables 三色蓋飯Three-color rice bowl 炸豬排蓋飯「Katsu-don」(pork cutlet on rice) 微波爐紅豆飯Microwaved 「sekihan」 lazuki beans and ricel 散壽司「Chirashi-zushi」 反卷壽司「Uramaki-zushi」(inside-out sushi rolls) 牛肉咖喱Beef curry 茄子千咖喱Curried rice with eggplant 日式甜蛋卷Sweet dashi rolled omelet 什錦拌面Noodles with shrimp and vegetables 籠屜蕎麥麵「Zaru soba」lcold soba noodles) 煎餃Gyoza(Chinese dumplingsl 日式什錦煎餅Okonomiyaki (savory Japanese pancakes) 金槍魚麵包小點Tuna crostini 免揉麵包No-knead bread 豬肉蔬菜味噌湯Pork and vegetable miso soup 暖身蘿蔔鍋Daikon noodle pot 第4章 甜品 調味戚風蛋糕Chiffon cake 鮮奶凍Panna cotta 小倉冰激凌Ogura ice cream 媽媽甜甜圈Mam's doughnuts 鬆軟鬆餅Fluffy pancakes 零失敗芝士蛋糕Fail-proof cheese cake