幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:胡阿祥//彭安玉
  • 出版社:齊魯
  • ISBN:9787533341374
  • 出版日期:2019/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:423
人民幣:RMB 65 元      售價:



  First Edition Foreword: The 「Great Geographic Discovery」 of China——the Purpose and Description
第一篇  地理視野的拓展
  Chapter 1  Expansion of Geographic Vision
  「How Deep and Considerate Its Inference is」——The Big Nine Continent Theory and 「Chixian Shenzhou」 of Zou Yan from the Warring States Period
  The Power of the Great Han Dynasty Spread to the Neighboring Countries——Expansion of Knowledge in the Frontier and Outside the Han Dynasty
  Seeking the True Scriptures of Buddhism in the West——A Chinese Profound Monk Seeking Buddhism and Geographic Discoveries
  The Frequent Journey to the West——Exploration of the Western Regions in the Age of Mongolian Empire
  「Big Boats, Roaring Waves and Wild Ocean」——Ocean Voyage of the Zheng He
  Fleet in the Early Ming Dynasty
  Pearl of the Sea——Discovery and Jurisdiction of the South China Sea Islands
第二篇  地理認識的深入
  Chapter 2  In-depth Understanding of Geography
  「A Milestone in the History of Chinese Science」——The Geographic Thought and
  Creative Ideas of Shen Kuo』s Brush Talks from Dream Brook
  Expressing Emotions and Widen the Knowledge of Vast Landscapes——Geographic
  Exploration of Xu Xiake and Wang Shixing
  「The Yellow River』s Water Comes from the Sky」——The History of Exploring the
  Yellow River』s Sources
  「The Yangtze River is Seen at the Skyline」——The History of Exploring the Yangtze
  River』s Sources
  The Interlude of 「Conserving Water, Clearing Sediment and Protecting the
  Canal」——Exploration of the Huai River』s Source
  「Sea of Death」 and 「Sea of Hope」——Exploration and Discovery of the Taklimakan Desert
  The Roof of the World——Walk into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
  「The Third Pole of the Earth」——Exploring the Mount Everest
  「The Last Mystery on the Earth」——Stunning Discovery of the Yaruzampbo
  Grand Canyon
  The World』s Strange Pit——Discovery and Exploration of 「Tiankeng」
第三篇  揭秘地質與地理現象
  Chapter 3  Demystifying Geology and Geographic Phenomenon
  Delicate Craftsmanship Made the Great River ——Uncover the Mystery of the
  Prehistoric Yangtze River

  China Oil Sea——Li Siguang』s Geomechanical Theory and Successive Discoveries
  of Large Oil Fields in Eastern China
  Wind-caused or Water-caused Formation——Exploration of the Genesis of the
  Loess Plateau
  Plant 「Living Fossil」——Discovery and Protection of Ancient Relict Plants Like
  Geographic Information from the Quaternary——Discovery and Exploration of
  the Quaternary Glaciers in Lushan
  The Strange Lake on the Wilderness——Mystery of Lop Nur
  Sand Sea Melody——Uncover the Mystery of 「Singing Sand」
第四篇  回眸古老的地理世界
  Chapter 4  Reviewing the Ancient Geographic World
  The Holy Land of the Cambrian——Uncover the Amazing Secret of Life on Earth
  The Sea Turned into Land —— Geographic Discovery Buried Deep in the Yellow Sea
  Closed Sea Surface——The Mystery of Taihu Lake Formation
  The Sea Produces Pearl——Reasons for the Formation of the West Lake
  Life of the 「Mother River」——History of the Yellow River and the Great Discovery
  of Tan Qixiang
  Witness the History of the Evolution of Life——Follow Footsteps of the Historical
  Changes of Rare Animals in China
第五篇  地理髮現的未解之謎
  Chapter 5  Unsolved Mystery of Geographic Discovery
  A Mysterious Story——A Journey to the East of Xu Fu
  Where is 「Ye Po Ti」——Is it the Chinese Fa Xian that Discovered the America?
  Epilogue: Looking for the Qidan——the 「Great Geographic Discovery」 of the World
Postscript (Updated Version)

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