幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:任偉//賀艷
  • 出版社:上海遠東
  • ISBN:9787547614488
  • 出版日期:2019/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:265
人民幣:RMB 118 元      售價:



Chapter I Why is the term "the Central Kingdom"?
Chapter II  Mount Songshan: The Center of Heaven and Earth
Chapter III The Nation's Grand Events: The Three Han Que Gates, the
  Zhongyue Temple and Sacrifices on Mountains
  Section One  The Three Han Que Gates: The Earliest Tangible Evidence to Sacrifices on
  Section Two  From the Taishi Shrine to the Zhongyue Temple: Sacrifices on the Central
  Sacred Mountain
ChapterIV The Observatory in the Center of Earth: The World of
  Astronomy in Ancient China
  Section One  Culture Reflected in Astronomy
  Section Two  Obsession with "the Center of Earth" in Ancient China
  Section Three  The Giant Sundial Built by Guo Shoujing at the Center of Earth
Chapter V The Chan Buddhism and Martial Art: Localization of Buddhism
  at Mount Songshan
  Section One  The Cradle of the Chan Buddhism Deep in the Luxuriant Woods of
  Mount Shaoshi
  SectionTwo  The Huishan Temple: A Witness to the Growth of Chinese Chan
  Section Three  Motion and Tranquility: Martial Art and Chan
Chapter VI The Songyang Academy of Classical Learning: A Frontier of
  New Confucianism
  Section One  An academy Growing out of a Temple
  SectionTwo  A Place of Rebirth of Confucianism: The Witness to the Crisis and
  Rejuvenation of Confucianism
Chapter VII Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism at Mount Songshan:
  From Rivals to Being in Harmony
  Section One  Taoism: The First Step on Mount Songshan
  SectionTwo  Harmony Between Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism at Mount
Chapter VIII An Architectural Epitome
  Section One  An Example of the Official Architecture: Hngzao Fashi and the Main Hall
  of the Chuzu Temple
  Section Two  Innumerable pagodas in the Pagoda Forest in the Shaolin Temple
  Section Three  A Milestone Work of Chinese Pagodas
  Appendix I  Tour Map of Historic Monuments of Mount Songshan
  Appendix II  Emperors who Offered Sacrifices to Mount Songshan
  Appendix III  The Pagoda Forest of the Shaolin Temple
  Appendix IV  Important Pictures on the Three Han Que Gates
  Appendix V  Important Structures within the Zhongyue Temple
  Appendix VI  Important Steles and Other Cultural Relics at Mount Songshan

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