幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:羅威爾
  • 出版社:中信
  • ISBN:9787508687650
  • 出版日期:2018/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:226
人民幣:RMB 65 元      售價:



中國茶的種類  Categories of Chinese Tea
知中《中國茶的基本》特集·言論  ZHICHINA The Course of Chinese Tea Expressions
01 國茶的「文藝復興」  The Renaissance of Chinese Tea
02 茶的新浪潮  The Modern Wave of Chinese Tea
03 南方有嘉木:茶的起源與發展  The Origin and Development of Chinese Tea
04 茶葉知多少  What』s in Tea Leaves?
05 具備時代精神的生活美學:歷代飲茶法沿革  Temper of Time: A Brief History of Tea-Making in China
06 周重林:雅玩的傳統應該復興成為日常  Interview with Zhou Chonglin: Tea Can Take Part in Our Daily Life
07 王旭烽:什麼樣的生活向我走來,我就向什麼樣的生活迎去  Interview with Wang Xufeng: Embracing Everything That Came to My Life
08 一年之鮮在綠茶  Green Tea: The Start of A Whole Year
  西湖龍井  West Lake Longjing Tea
  黃山毛峰  Huangshan Maofeng Tea
09 全世界都在喝紅茶  Black Tea: The Worldwide Affection
  滇紅茶  Dianhong Tea
  祁門紅茶  Keemun Black Tea
10 烏龍茶:超級茗品的寶庫  Oolong Tea: The Treasure House of Fine Tea
  台灣凍頂烏龍  Taiwan Dongding Oolong
  安溪鐵觀音  Anxi Tieguanyin Oolong
11 黃茶:只聞其名,不得其香  Yellow Tea: Intertwining Fame and Fragrance
  君山銀針  Junshan Yinzhen Tea
  蒙頂黃芽  Mengding Huangya Tea
12 黑茶:邊民的日常必備  Fermented Tea: Daily Necessity of Inhabitants of Border Areas
  安化黑茶  Anhua Dark Tea
13 普洱茶的基本  Pu』Er Tea』s Basics
14 白茶:宋徽宗的天下第一茶  White Tea: The First Choice of Emperor Huizong of Song
  福鼎白茶  Fuding White Tea
15 茶馬古道:以茶易馬,連接東西  The Ancient Tea Horse Road: Connecting the East and the West
16 茶馬互市,以茶治邊:茶的邊銷與僑銷  Being as Diplomatists: The Export of Chinese Tea
17 極致的藝與美:日本茶之道  Infinite Art and Beauty: Japanese Way of Tea
18 大不列顛的下午茶:當時鐘敲響四下時,世上的一切為茶而停  The British Afternoon Tea: The World Stops For It at 4PM
19 茶葉引發的鴉片戰爭  The Role of Chinese Tea in the Opium War
20 不僅是生活美學,更蘊藏東方哲理:貫通儒釋道的茶  Beyond the Aesthetics of Life: Buddism and Taoism in Tea
21 歷史上的茶人茶事  Tea Lovers and Tea Stories in Chinese History
22 唐宋茶書都研究些什麼?  Ancient Chinese Tea Books in Tang and Song Dynasties
23 以茶入詩,借以表懷:古詩中的茶  Portraits of Tea in Classical Chinese Poetry
24 茶墨俱香,以其德同:歷代茶生活圖錄  A Chronological Visual Tour of Tea Life in Chinese History
25 陳再?:潮州工夫,有序傳承  Interview with Chen Zailin: The Heritage of Chinese Kung-Fu Tea
26 茶修王瓊:借一杯茶照見自己  Interview with Wang Qiong: A Self-Reflection through Tea
27 日長何所事,茗碗自賞持:老茶具中的別趣與詩意  Appreciation of Old Teawares
28 傳統與創新的平衡點,正是樂趣所在  Seeking Balance between Tradition and Creation
  大道至簡:青瓷藝術家鄭峰  Interview with Zheng Feng: Praising the Simplicity of Celadon
  茶盞貴青黑:建盞非遺傳承人林傑  Interview with Lin Jie: Jian Ware』s Way to China Intangible Cultural Heritage
29 茶食不簡單  Tasting the Way of Tea Snacks
30 老茶館見吧!市井茶俗小探  Exploring Old Teahouses Hiding in Streets
31 用「學古」定義創新:專訪不二空間孔洪強  Interview with Kong Hongqiang: Redefining the Approach of Creation
32 武夷岩茶誕生記  Supplement: The Traditional Production Process of Wuyi Tea

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