幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:王薔
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • ISBN:9787040158656
  • 出版日期:2009/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:296
人民幣:RMB 32 元      售價:



Unit 1  Children as Language Learners
  1.1  Learning one's first language
  1.2  Differences and similarities between learning L1 and L2
  1.3  Understanding how children learn
  1.4  Children's individual differences in learning a language
  1.5  Treating children as equal human beings
  1.6  Qualities of a good primary English teacher
    Reading 1.2.2
    Reading 1.3.3
    Reading 1.4.2 A
    Reading 1.4.4
    Reading 1.5.1 B
    Reading 1.5.2
Unit 2  Understanding the National English Curriculum
  2.1  Benefits of offering English in the primary school
  2.2  Understanding the objectives for primary English
  2.3  Understanding the target requirements for Levels 1 and 2
    Reading 2.1.1
    Reading 2.2.2
    Reading 2.2.3
    Reading 2.3.2
    Reading 2.3.3
    Reading 2.3.4
Unit 3  Classroom Management
  3.1  Motivating children to learn
  3.2  Lesson planning
  3.3  Classroom instructions
  3.4  Questioning in the classroom
  3.5  Dealing with discipline
  3.6  Teaching large classes
  3.7  Managing classroom interaction
  3.8  Organizing activities in a lesson
  3.9  Correcting errors
    Reading 3.1.2 A
    Reading 3.1.2 B
    Reading 3.2.3
Unit 4  Teaching Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation
  4.1  Understanding the teaching of vocabulary
  4.2  Understanding the teaching of grammar
  4.3  Understanding the teaching of pronunciation
    Reading 4.3.1
    Reading 4.3.2
Unit 5  Teaching language skills
  5.1  Listen and do
  5.2  Listen and speak
  5.3  Learn to read

  5.4  Using stories
  5.5  Learn to write
  5.6  Integrating skills
    Reading 5.2.3
    Reading 5.2.4
    Reading 5.3.4
Unit 6  Practical Techniques for Teaching Young Learners
  6.1  Using songs and rhymes for teaching English to young learners
  6.2  Playing games
  6.3  Using projects
  6.4  Board writing
    Reading 6.1.2 A
    Reading 6.1.2 B
    Reading 6.3.2
Unit 7  Assessing Learning with Children
  7.1  Understanding assessment
  7.2  Setting up targets and designing assessment tasks
  7.3  Ways of assessing learning with young learners
  7.4  Ways of providing feedback
  7.5  Using tests
Unit 8  Adapting and Evaluating Textbooks
  8.1  Evaluating textbooks
  8.2  Selecting textbooks
  8.3  Effective use of course materials
  8.4  Using resources
Suggested Key to Tasks

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