幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)杜威
  • 出版社:輕工
  • ISBN:9787518408092
  • 出版日期:2016/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:346
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:

    1981年,該書與拉爾夫·泰勒的《課程與教學的基本原理》一起被美國的《卡潘》(Phi Delta Kappan)雜誌評為自1906年以來對學校課程領域影響最大的兩本著作。西方學者稱杜威的《民主主義與教育》、柏拉圖的《理想國》和盧梭的《愛彌兒》是不朽的教育瑰寶。


Chapter 1 Education as a Necessity of Life
Chapter 2 Education as a Social Function
Chapter 3 Education as Direction
Chapter 4 Education as Growth
Chapter 5 Preparation, Unfolding, and Formal Discipline
Chapter 6 Education as Conservative and Progressive
Chapter 7 The Democratic Conception in Education
Chapter 8 Aims in Education.
Chapter 9 Natural Development and Social Efficiency as Aims
Chapter 10 Interest and Discipline
Chapter 11 Experience and Thinking
Chapter 12 Thinking in Education
Chapter 13 The Nature of Method
Chapter 14 The Nature of Subject Matter
Chapter 15 Play and Work in the Curriculum
Chapter 16 The Significance of Geography and History..
Chapter 17 Science in the Course of Study
Chapter 18 Educational Values
Chapter 19 Labor and Leisure
Chapter 20 Intellectual and Practical Studies
Chapter 21 Physical and Social Studies: Naturalism and Humanism
Chapter 22 The Individual and the World
Chapter 23 Vocational Aspects of Education
Chapter 24 Philosophy of Education
Chapter 25 Theories of Knowledge
Chapter 26 Theories of Morals

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