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  • 结构化动态系统的盲辨识--确定性方法及观点(英文版)(精)

  • 所属分类:自然科学>>自然科学>>系统科学     作者:Chengpu Yu//Lihua Xie//Michel Verhaegen//Jie Chen     出版社:科学
  •     This book is intended for researchers active in the field of (blind) system identification and aims to provide new identification ideas/insights for dealing with challenging system identification problems. It presents a comprehensive overview of the state-of- the-art in the area, which would save a lot of time and avoid collecting the scattered information from research papers, reports and unpublished work. Besides, it is a self- contained book by including essential algebraic, system and optimization theories, which can help graduate students enter the amazing blind system identification world with less effort.
  • 人民币:RMB 168.00 元     售价:NT$ 672.00
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  • 中国哲学史校注(精)

  • 所属分类:哲 学>>哲 学>>中国哲学     作者:谢无量|校注:王宝峰     出版社:华东师大
  •     谢无量著的《中国哲学史校注(精)》,是中国 哲学史研究的开山奠基之作。不同于时下“选出而叙 述之”、“以西解中”的主流范式,谢著既立足于中 国思想学术史固有脉络,又融贯西学原理,深具“中 国效度”与“哲学效度”。此“谢无量范式”(Xie Wuliang’s Paradigm)所开辟的“以中化西”
  • 人民币:RMB 98.00 元     售价:NT$ 392.00
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