第一部分 唐 詩 神秀(約606—706) 佛詩一首 One Buddhist Poem 慧能(638—713) 佛詩一首 One Buddhist Poem 駱賓王(約640—約684) 詠鵝 Geese 王勃(約650—約676) 送杜少府之任蜀州 Farewell to Junior Prefect Du,on His Departure to Take Office in Shuzhou 山中 In the Mountains 陳子昂(661—702) 登幽州台歌 Climbing the Tower of Youzhou 張九齡(678—740) 望月懷遠 A Full Moon:Missing Distant Family Members 王之渙(688—742) 涼州詞 A Song of Liangzhou 登鸛雀樓 Climbing the Tower of Guanque 孟浩然(689—740) 春曉 Spring Morning 過故人庄 I Stop by at an Old Friend's Farmhouse 王灣(693—751) 次北固山下 Lodging Beneath Mount Beigu 王昌齡(698—756) 芙蓉樓送辛漸 Farewell to My Guest Xin Jian at the Lotus Pagoda 閨怨 Sorrow in a Lady's Chamber 出塞 Beyond the Great Wall 從軍行·其四 Joining the Army(No.4) 從軍行·其五 Joining the Army(No.5) 王維(701—761) 使至塞上 Embassy to the Frontier Pass 鹿柴 Deer Park