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  • 作者:編者:王學華|責編:裴維維
  • 出版社:南京大學
  • ISBN:9787305285479
  • 出版日期:2025/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:179
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit 1 Pioneering Journey in Electricity and Magnetism
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Search Literature
  1.3  Development in China
  5G Tech Enables Comprehensive Digital Transformation
Unit 2 Prediction and Confirmation of Electromagnetic Waves
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Write an Abstract and a Title
  1.3  Development in China
  China's Most Advanced Satellite Platform DFH - 5 Enters Orbit
Unit 3 War of Currents
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Write a Literature Review
  1.3  Development in China
  BeiDou Boosts Tech Support for Chinese Smartphone Industry
Unit 4 Breakthrough in Wireless Communication
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Write a Literature Review
  1.3  Development in China
  Gaofen-1 High-Resolution Imaging Satellite
Unit 5 The Birth of Triode Vacuum Tube
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Write a Research Article
  1.3  Development in China
  Digital Payments in China
Unit 6 Invention of Broadcasting and Radar Technology
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus

  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Write a Research Article
  1.3  Development in China
  AI in Healthcare: China's Quest for Better Healthcare with AI
Unit 7 From Vacuum Tubes to Transistors
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Write a Research Article
  1.3  Development in China
  World's Largest Radio Telescope Begins Operations
Unit 8 Development of Information Technology
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Submit a Manuscript
  1.3  Development in China
  China's TaihuLight Wins Fastest Supercomputer Title
Unit 9 Groundbreaking Work in Fiber Optics
  1.1  Knowledge in the Field
  Warm Up
  Knowledge Focus
  Language Focus
  1.2  Research Skills
  How to Present a Paper
  1.3  Development in China
  World's Most Powerful Quantum Computer

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