Chapter 1 Introduction to mining 採礦概論 1.1 Mining's contribution to civilization 採礦的社會貢獻 1.2 Mining terminology 採礦術語 1.3 Advancements in mining technology 採礦技術的進步 1.4 Stages in the life of a mine 採礦步驟 1.5 Unit operations of mining 採礦基礎作業 Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 2 Geology of Mines 礦山地質 2.1 Earth Crust and Strata 地殼和岩層 2.1.1 Origin and Modification of the Earth 2.1.2 Three Kinds of Rocks 2.2 Coal on the Earth 地球上的煤炭 2.3 Geologic Exploration of Coalfield 煤田地質勘探 2.3.1 Preliminary Investigation 2.3.2 Field Reconnaissance 2.3.3 Preliminary Exploration of Mining Areas 2.3.4 Detailed Exploration of Mine Fields 2.4 Coal Reserves 煤的儲量 2.5 Geological Factors Affecting Coal Mine Production 影響煤礦生產的地質因素 2.5.1 Distribution of Coals in the Rock Sequence and Their Thickness 2.5.2 Important Elements of Seam Bedding Attitudes 2.5.3 Geological Structure of Coal Seams 2.5.4 Underground Water Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 3 Preplanning and design 規劃與設計 3.1 Underground system design 井工開採系統設計 3.1.1 Important considerations of mining method selection 3.1.2 Classification of mining operations 3.1.3 Underground mining 3.2 Mine preplanning 礦山預規劃 3.3 Planning of coal mines 煤礦規劃 3.3.1 Principles of Mine Planning 3.3.2 Stages of planning of new mines Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 4 Ground pressure and control 礦山壓力與控制 4.1 Underground pressure 礦山壓力 4.1.1 Conception and Classification of abutment pressures 4.1.2 Strata behavior 4.2 Theories of Roof Caving 頂板垮落理論 4.3 Ground control aspects 頂板管理方面 4.3.1 Panel Design Considerations 4.3.2 Geologic Considerations 4.4 Roof falls 冒頂 Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 5 Rock mechanics in mining engineering 礦山岩體力學 5.1 General concepts 基本概念 5.2 Inherent complexities in rock mechanics 岩石力學內在複雜性 5.2.1 Rock fracture 5.2.2 Scale effects 5.2.3 Tensile strength
5.2.4 Effect of groundwater 5.2.5 Weathering 5.3 Functional interactions in mine engineering 礦山開採系統設計 5.3.1 Management 5.3.2 Geology 5.3.3 Planning 5.3.4 Rock mechanics 5.4 Application of rock mechanics in mining engineering 岩石力學在採礦中的應用 5.4.1 Site characterization 5.4.2 Mine model formulation 5.4.3 Design analysis 5.4.4 Rock performance monitoring 5.4.5 Retrospective analysis Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 6 Rock mass structure and characterization 岩體結構與特性 6.1 Introduction 概述 6.2 Major types of structural features 岩體結構特徵類型 6.3 Geomechanical properties of discontinuities 結構面力學特性 6.4 Rock mass classification 岩體質量分級 6.4.1 The nature and use of rock mass classification schemes 6.4.2 Bieniawski's geomechanics classification 6.4.3 The NGI Q system 6.4.4 Geological strength index (GSI) Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 7 Rock strength and deformability 岩石強度與變形特性 7.1 Introduction 概述 7.2 Concepts and definitions 相關概念和定義 7.3 Strength criteria for rock 岩石強度理論 7.3.1 Types of strength criterion 7.3.2 Coulomb's shear strength criterion 7.3.3 Griffith crack theory 7.3.4 Fracture mechanics 7.3.5 Empirical criteria 7.4 Behavior of discontinuous rock masses 不連續岩體力學特性 Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 8 Pre mining state of stress 原岩應力場 8.1 Introduction 概述 8.2 Factors influencing the in situ state of stress 原岩應力場影響因素 8.2.1 Surface topography 8.2.2 Erosion and isostasy 8.2.3 Residual stress 8.2.4 Inclusions 8.2.5 Tectonic stress 8.2.6 Fracture sets and discontinuities 8.3 Methods of in situ stress determination 原岩應力場確定方法 Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 9 Excavation in underground mining 井巷工程 9.1 General principle of excavation design 井巷設計原理 9.2 Zone of influence of an excavation 開挖擾動區 9.3 Excavation design in stratified rock 層狀圍岩開挖設計
9.3.1 Design factors 9.3.2 Rock mass response to mining 9.3.3 Roof bed deformation mechanics 9.4 Excavation design in blocky rock 塊狀圍岩開挖設計 Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 10 Rock support and reinforcement 圍岩支護與加固 10.1 Terminology 專業術語 10.2 Support and reinforcement principles 支護加固原則 10.3 Support and reinforcement design 支護加固設計 10.3.1 Purpose 10.3.2 Local support and reinforcement 10.3.3 General or systematic reinforcement 10.4 Support materials and techniques 支護材料與技術 10.4.1 Rockbolts and dowels 10.4.2 Cable bolts 10.4.3 Shotcrete 10.4.4 Wire mesh 10.4.5 Steel sets Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 11 Rock mass stability monitoring 圍岩穩定性監測 11.1 The purpose of rock mass stability monitoring 圍岩穩定監測目的 11.2 Monitoring systems 監測系統 11.2.1 Design features of monitoring systems 11.2.2 Modes of operation 11.2.3 Convergence measurement 11.2.4 Multiple point borehole extensometers 11.2.5 Hydraulic pressure cells 11.2.6 Stress change measurements 11.2.7 Monitoring microseismic activity 11.2.8 Time domain reflectometry Exercises 課後習題 Chapter 12 Future mining technology 採礦技術發展展望 12.1 A strategic approach for sustainable mining in future 煤礦未來可持續發展策略 12.1.1 Adoption of appropriate technology 12.1.2 Communication and safety 12.1.3 Automation 12.2 Digital mine 數字化礦山 12.2.1 Introduction 12.2.2 Mining automation program 12.2.3 Telemining (TM) 12.2.4 MAP technology elements 12.2.5 Mining Operations System (MOS) 12.2.6 MAP technology goals 12.3 Virtual Reality (VR) mining 虛擬採礦技術 12.3.1 Introduction 12.3.2 The benefits of VR 12.3.3 Applications of Virtual Reality in the mineral industry 12.3.4 Drill rig training simulation 12.3.5 Underground hazard identification and barring down training simulation Exercises 課後習題