Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research background 1.2 Research method 1.3 Research significance Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Historical overview of research on motivation 2.2 The definition of motivation and demotivation 2.3 The overseas study of L2 motivation from a Complex Dynamic Systems Theory perspective 2.4 Current domestic research on L2 motivation based on a Complex Dynamic Systems Theory 2.5 The study of L2 demotivation 2.6 Research on motivational change Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Research Questions 3.1 Theoretical framework of the study 3.2 Reasons for adopting a Complex Dynamic Systems Theory as a theoretical framework 3.3 Adopting a Complex Dynamic Systems approach 3.4 Research questions Chapter 4 Research Methodology 4.1 Participants 4.2 Research instntment 4.3 Procedure 4.3.1 Pilot survey 4.3.2 Main study 4.4 Data analysis Chapter 5 Research Results 5.1 Results of factor analysis of influencing English learning motivation of college students in Inner Mongolia 5.2 Results of cluster analysis on English learning motivational change of college students in Inner Mongolia 5.3 The results of data statistics on how college students in Inner Mongolia overcome the decreasing English learning motivation 5.4 Results of interviews on factors of influencing English learning motivation of college students in Inner Mongolia 5.4.1 Unqualified teachers or frequent teacher turnover during high school 5.4.2 Decreasing motivation in senior high school 5.4.3 Increasing awareness on the importance of English in university 5.4.4 Predictable test content in university 5.5 Interview results on how college students overcome demotivation in English learning in Inner Mongolia Chapter 6 Discussion 6.1 Demotivating factors of English learning motivation of college students in Inner Mongolia 6.2 The patterns and reasons of motivational changes experienced by college students in Inner Mongolia over time 6.3 Factors contribute to college students successfully overcoming demotivation in their L2 learning 6.4 Examining the dynamic properties of English learning motivation among college students in Inner Mongolia Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Research findings 7.2 Research implications and significance 7.3 Limitations of the study 7.4 Suggestions for future research References Appendix