Module 1 Introduction
1.1 What is a multiphase flow system
1.2 Research emphasis on multiphase flow systems
1.3 Classification of phases
1.4 Multiphase flow regimes and flow pattern judge
1.5 Significance of flow regime
1.6 Multiphase flow parameters: basic terminologies
Tutorial questions of introduction
Module 2 Two phase flow models
2.1 Two phase flow pressure drop using flow quality parameter
2.2 Two phase system pressure drop: two phase flow multipliers
2.3 Two phase flow pressure drop using volume fraction parameter ~
Tutorial questions of two phase flow models
Module 3 Drift-flux analysis
3.1 What is the drift-flux analysis
3.2 Deduction of drift-flux analysis
3.3 Methodology for undertaking drift-flux analysis
Tutorial questions of drift-flux analysis
Module 4 Gas-lift pumps
4.1 Schematic of typical gas-lift pump operation
4.2 Force balance
4.3 Applying Bernoulli's equation to the liquid-only region
4.4 Applying Bernoulli's equation to the two-phase, gas-liquid region
Module 5 Fluidised beds and bubble columns
5.1 Fluidised beds
5.2 How a solid particle is fluidised
5.3 Bed voidage and particle velocity relationship in a multi-particle system
5.4 Pressure drop in a fluidised bed
5.5 Minimum fluidisation velocity
5.6 Bubble columns
5.7 Flow regimes maps
5.8 Slurry bubble columns
5.9 Research focus on bubble columns
5.10 Design challenge
5.11 Hydrodynamic parameters required for design
5.12 Measurements and control
5.13 Bubble column hydrodynamics
5.14 Dry tray pressure drop
5.15 Wet pressure drop
5.16 Residual pressure drop
5.17 Bubble column energy balance
Tutorial questions of fluidised beds and bubble columns
Module 6 Flotation
6.1 Flotation principles
6.2 Mechanical agitation ceil
6.3 Flotation column
Tutorial questions of flotation
Module 7 Multiphase model fundamental equations and stability analysis
7.1 Mass balance on the liquid phase
7.2 Momentum balance on the liquid phase
7.3 Force
7.4 Interphase momentum exchange
7.5 Other interphase forces
7.6 Stability analysis
7.7 Criterion for multiphase stability
Tutorial questions of multiphase model fundamental equations and stability analysis
Module 8 Principle of bydrocyclone
8.1 Basic features of cyclone operation
8.2 Theoretical models of cyclone performance
8.3 Empirical predictions of hydrocyclone performance
8.4 Effect of cyclone operating parameters
8.5 Pros and cons of hydro-cyclones
Tutorial questions of principle of hydrocyclone
Appendix 1 Contact angle (θ)
A1.1 Modelling of contact angle
A1.2 Measurement of contact angle on flat surface
A1.3 Measurement of contact angle on particles
Appendix 2 Induction time
Appendix 3 Derivation of multiphase flow equations
A3.1 Eulerian approach
A3.2 Streamlines, streak lines and path lines
A3.3 Concept of material derivative
A3.4 Conservation of mass and incompressibility
A3.5 Conservation of momentum
A3.6 Governing equations for multiphase system: Eulerian-Eulerian (E-E)
A3.7 Modelling phase interactions in multiphase system: concept of coupling
A3.8 Particle relaxation time
A3.9 Derivation of stability analysis equations
Appendix 4 Bubble rise velocity
A4.1 Forces on a moving particle, bubble or droplet
A4.2 Terminal velocity
Appendix 5 Derivation of drag coefficient for particles in a fluidised bed
A5.1 Creeping flow regime
A5.2 Turbulent regime
A5.3 Transition regime
Appendix 6 Nomenclature