幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:Xiaoyan Lei
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030805751
  • 出版日期:2025/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:487
人民幣:RMB 298 元      售價:


Xiaoyan Lei

1  Track Dynamics Research Contents and Related Standards
  1.1  A Review of Track Dynamics Research
  1.2  Track Dynamics Research Contents
  1.3  Limits for Safety and Riding Quality
    1.3.1  Safety Limit for Regular Trains
    1.3.2  Riding Quality Limits for Regular Trains
    1.3.3  Safety and Riding Quality Limit for Rising Speed Trains
  1.4  Standards of Track Maintenance for High-Speed Railway
    1.4.1  Standards of Track Maintenance and Management for French High-Speed Railway
    1.4.2  Standards of Track Maintenance and Management for Japanese Shinkansen High-Speed Railway
    1.4.3  Standards of Track Maintenance and Management for German High-Speed Railway
    1.4.4  Standards of Track Maintenance and Management for British High-Speed Railway
    1.4.5  Standards of Measuring Track Geometry for Korean High-Speed Railway (Dynamic)
    1.4.6  Standards of Track Maintenance and Management for Chinese High-Speed Railway
    1.4.7  Dominant Frequency Range and Sensitive Wavelength of European High-Speed Train and Track Coupling System
  1.5  Railway Environmental Noise Standards
    1.5.1  Noise Evaluation Index
    1.5.2  Railway Noise Standards in China
    1.5.3  Railway Noise Standards in Foreign Countries
  1.6  Railway Environmental Vibration Standards
    1.6.1  Vibration Parameter and Evaluation Index
    1.6.2  Environmental Vibration Standards in China's Urban Areas
    1.6.3  Limit for Building Vibration Caused by Urban Mass Transit
  1.7  Vibration Standards of Historic Building Structures
     Analytic Method for Dynamic Analysis of the Track Structure
  2.1  Studies of Ground Surface Wave and Strong Track Vibration Induced by High-Speed Train
    2.1.1  Continuous Elastic Beam Model of Track Structure
    2.1.2  Track Equivalent Stiffness and Track Foundation Elasticity Modulus
    2.1.3  Track Critical Velocity
    2.1.4  Analysis of Strong Track Vibration
  2.2  Effects of the Track Stiffness Abrupt Change on Track Vibration
    2.2.1  Track Vibration Model with Consideration of Track Irregularity and Stiffness Abrupt Change Under Moving Loads
    2.2.2  Reasonable Distribution of the Track Stiffness in Transition
3   Fourier Transform Method for Dynamic Analysis of the Track
  3.1  Model of Single-Layer Continuous Elastic Beam for the Track Structure
    3.1.1  Fourier Transform
    3.1.2  inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
    3.1.3  Definition of Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform in Matlab
  3.2  Model of Double Layer Continuous Elastic Beam for the Track Structure
  3.3  Analysis of High Speed Railway Track Critical Velocity
    3.3.1  Analysis of the Single-Layer Continuous Elastic beam Model
4  Analysis of Vibration Behavior of the Elevated Track Structure
5  Track Irregularity Power Spectrum and Numerical Simulation
6  Vertical Vibration Model for the Track Structure and the Vehicle
7  A Cross-Iteration Algorithm for Vehicle-Track Nonlinear Coupling Vibration Analysis
8   Moving Element Model and Its Algorithm
9   Model and Algorithm for Track Element and Vehicle Element
10  Dynamic Analysis of the Vehicle-Track Coupling System with Finite Elements in a Moving Frame of Reference
11  Model for Vertical Dynamic Analysis of the Vehicle-Track- Subgrade- Ground Coupling System  
12  Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of the Train, Ballast Track and Subgrade Coupling System
13  Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of the Train-Slab Track-Subgrade Coupling System
14  Dynamic Analysis of High-speed Train-Track Space Nonlinear Coupling System
15  Analysis of Medium and High-Frequency Vibration for Track Structure
Appendix A: Parameters of Vehicle and Track Structure
Appendix B: Slab Track Dynamics Calculation Program
Appendix C: Train-Track-Continuous Bridge Coupling System
Appendix D: Dynamics Calculation Program WTBDYN_1.0  for the Moving Wheelset with Primary and Secondary Suspension-
Track-Continuous Bridge Coupling System

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