第一章 緒論 Chapter One Exordium 第一節 物理實驗課程的基本要求和程序 Section 1 Basic Requirements and Procedures in Physics Experiment 第二節 誤差、有效數字和數據處理 Section 2 Error, Significant Digits and Data Processing 第二章 基礎性實驗 Chapter Two Basic Experiment 實驗一 基本長度測量 Experiment 1 Measurement of Length 實驗二 物體密度的測定 Experiment 2 Determination of Density 實驗三 液體變溫黏滯係數的測定 Experiment 3 Determination of the Coefficient of Viscosity for Liquid of Varied Temperature 實驗四 液體表面張力係數的測量 Experiment 4 Determination of Surface Tension Coefficient of Liquid 實驗五 萬用電錶的使用 Experiment 5 Manipulation of Multimeter 實驗六 示波器的使用 Experiment 6 Usage of Oscilloscope 實驗七 惠斯通電橋測電阻 Experiment 7 Measurement of Resistance with Wheatstone Bridge 實驗八 RLC交流電路 Experiment 8 RLC Alternating Current Circuit 實驗九 用線式電位差計測電池的電動勢 Experiment 9 Measurement of the Battery EMF with Wire Potentiometer 實驗十 透鏡曲率半徑的測量 Experiment 10 Measurement of Radius of the Lens Curvature 實驗十一 利用劈尖干涉測量厚度 Experiment 11 Determine Thickness by Interference of a Wedge-sharped Film 第三章 提高性實驗 Chapter Three Improving Experiment 實驗十二 分光計的調節和使用 Experiment 12 Adjustment and Use of Spectrometer 實驗十三 用衍射光柵測定光波波長 Experiment 13 Determination of the Wavelength of Light Using a Diffraction Grating 實驗十四 用阿貝折射計測定液體的折射率 Experiment 14 Determination of Liquid Index of Refraction by Abbe Refractometer 實驗十五 利用旋光現象測定液體的旋光率和濃度 Experiment 15 Determine Specific Rotation and Concentration of Liquid Utilizing Optical Phenomena 實驗十六 用模擬法描繪靜電場 Experiment 16 Simulation Method for Depicting Electrostatic Field 實驗十七 核磁共振 Experiment 17 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 實驗十八 激光全息照相 Experiment 18 Laser Hologram Photography 第四章 綜合性與設計性實驗 Chapter Four Comprehensive and Designing Experiment 實驗十九 指端光電容積法測量脈搏波 Experiment 19 Fingertip Pulse Wave Measurement Using Photoelectric Plethysmography
實驗二十 血液流變學參數測定 Experiment 20 Determination of Hemorheology Parameter 實驗二十一 用箱式電位差計測量溫差電動勢 Experiment 21 Measurement of Thermal Electromotive Force with the Box-type Potentiometer 實驗二十二 人耳聽覺聽閾的測量 Experiment 22 Determination of the Human Ear Auditory Threshold Curve 實驗二十三 熱敏電阻溫度計的製作 Experiment 23 The Assembly Make of Thermistor Thermometer 附錄 參考文獻