幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:徐程|責編:楊婧穎|譯者:付譯婷//羅園媛
  • 出版社:西南財大
  • ISBN:9787550460638
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:296
人民幣:RMB 47.8 元      售價:



Part One:Overview
Chapter One:Health in the Era
  Section one:New Concepts of Health
    1.The Connotation and Updating of Health
    2.Medical Models and Their Development
    3.The Concept and Strategy for a Healthy Nation and Region
    Section Two: New Technological Development
    1.Development of Medical Technology
    2.Development of Digital Technology
    3.Technological Development and Changes
  Section Three: New Challenges
    1.Health and Health Conditions
    2.Aging and the Charge in Disease Spectrum
    3.Economic Development and Social Transformation
    4.Health System and Global Governance for Health
    Case: Global Governance for Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter Two: Health Governance and Study of Governance for Health
    Section One: Background of Governance for Health
    1.Global Health Issues and the Dilemmas of Health Reforms Worldwide
    2.Development Stages of Governance for Health
  Section Two: Connotation of Governance for Health
    1.The Concept of Governance for Health
    2.Characteristics of Governance for Health
    3.Principles of Governance for Health
  Section Three: Study of Governance for Health
    1.Concept of Study of Governance for Health
    2.Research Content of Study of Governance for Health
    3.Relationship of Study of Governance for Health with Related Disciplines
    Case: Sanming Medical Reform
Part Two: Theories and Research Methods
  Chapter Three: Theoretical Foundations of Governance for Health
    Section One: Overview of Systems Science Theories
    1.Introduction to Systems Science Theories
    2.Characteristics of Complex Systems
    3.Application of Complex Systems Theories in the Field of Health and Wellness
  Section Two: Economic Theories
    1.Health Human Capital Investment Theory
    2.Classical Welfare Economics and Capability Approach
    3.Principal-Agent Theory
    4.Evolutionary Game Theory and Complex Economics
  Section Three: Public Governance Theory
    1.Definition and Connotation of Governance
    2.Network Governance Theory
    3.Public Value Governance
    4.Collaborative Governance and Synergistic Governance
    5.Meta-Governance Theory
    Case: Collaborative Governance for Health in Diabetes Case
Chapter Four:Research Methods of Governance for Health
  Section One:Conventional Classic Research Methods in the Field of
    Governance for Health

    1.Case Study
    2.Experimental Research
    4.Statistical Analysis Methods
  Section Two:Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Methods in the Field of
    Governance for Health
    1.System Dynamics Method
    2.Social Network Analysis Method
    3.Machine Learning
    4.Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    Case:Structural Characteristics and Evolution of China』s Health Policy
Part Three:Applications
Chapter Five:Government-Led Governance for Health
  Section ORe:Government Functions in Governance for Health
    1.Framework of Government Functional Departments
    2.Role of Heahh Authorities in Governance for Heahh
  Section Two:Cross-Departmental Governance for Health
    1.「Heahh in All Policies」
    2.Cross-Sectoral Organizational Form
  Section Three:Multi-Level Governance for Health
    1.Hierarchical Governance
    2.Cross-Level Governance
    3.Cross-Regional Governance for Health
    4.Whole-of-Government Governance Approach
  Section Four:Evaluation of Health System Governance Effect
    Case:Research on Cross-Regional Health System Innovation
    Chapter Six:Governance for Health Involving the Whole Society
    Section One:The Concept of Whole-Society Paicipation in Governance for
  Section Two:Multiple Subjects Paicipation in Governance for Health
    1.Individual Participation in Governance for Health
    2.Enterprise Participation in Governance for Health
    3.Experts and Scholars Participation in Governance for Health
    4.Media Participation in Governance for Health
    5.Social Organizations Participation in Governance for Health
  Section Three:Governance for Health Network with the Paicipation of the
    Whole Society
    1.「Heahh Information」Govemance
    2.Healthy City
    3.Healthy National Strategy
    Case:Wenjiang』S Health Industry Practice Under the「Healthy China
Chapter Seven:Governance for Health Throughout the Full Lifecycle
  Section One:Concept of Health throughout the Full Lifecycle
  Section Two:Governance for Maternal and Child Health
    1.Overview of Governance for Maternal and Child Health
    2.Strategies of Governance for Maternal and Child Health
    3.Practice and System Transformation of Govemance for Maternal and
    Child Heahh

  Section Three:Governance for Childhood and Adolescence Health
    1.Overview of Governance for Health for Children and Adolescents
    2.Strategies of Governance for Adolescent Health
  Section Four:Governance for Middle-Aged and Older Adults Health
    1.0  verview of Governance for Health for Middle-Aged and Elderly People
    2.Strategies of Governance for Middle-Aged and Older Adults Health
    3.G0vernance for Health Practices and System Changes for Middle-Aged
    and Elderly People
    Section Five:Full Life Cycle Governance for Health and Health System Reform
    Case:Australia』S Older Adults Exercise Park Project

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