模塊1 化驗室基本知識 任務1.1 儀器識別及滴定操作 任務1.2 分析天平的使用練習 模塊2 原料及在製品日常分析 任務2.1 密度法、折光法測在製品錘度 任務2.2 在製品的糖度及簡純度測定 任務2.3 蔗糖分及重力純度的測定 任務2.4 蘭-艾農法測定蔗汁還原糖 任務2.5 中和汁硫熏強度的測定 任務2.6 糖汁pH值的測定 任務2.7 蔗汁磷酸值的測定 模塊3 成品糖理化指標分析 任務3.1 白砂糖蔗糖分測定 任務3.2 白砂糖還原糖分測定 任務3.3 白砂糖乾燥失重的測定 任務3.4 白砂糖電導灰分的測定 任務3.5 白砂糖色值及混濁度的測定 任務3.6 白砂糖二氧化硫含量的測定 拓展學習——近紅外測定成品糖 模塊4 化驗室標準溶液的配製 Module 1 Basic knowledge of laboratory Task 1.1 Instrument identifiention and titration operatio Task 1.2 Analytieal balance use exercise Module 2 Daily analysis of raw materials and Semi-product Task 2.1 Measuring Brix of WIP by density method and Refractometr Task 2.2 Determination of pol and apparent purity of Semi-product Task 2.3 Determination of sucrose content and gravity purity Task 2.4 Determination of reducing sugar in sugarcane juice by Lane-Eynon method Task 2.5 Determination of sulphur strength of neutralized juice Task 2.6 Determination of sugar juice pH Task 2.7 Determination of phosphate value of sugarcane juice Module 3 Analysis of physical and chemical index of finished sugar Task 3.1 Determination of sucrose content in white granulated sugar Task 3.2 Determination of reducing sugar in white granulated sugai Task 3.3 Determination of loss on drying of white granulated sugar Task 3.4 Determination of conductivity ash of white granulated suga Task 3.5 Determination of colour and turbidity of white granulated sugar Task 3.6 Determination of sulfur dioxide content in white granulated suga Extended learning——Determination of finished sugar by near infrared spectroscopy Module 4 Preparation of standard solution in laboratory 附錄一 甘蔗製糖工業分析常用數據表 附錄二 糖生產許可證審查細則(2006年版) 參考文獻