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  • 作者:編者:陳越光//董曉萍//(法)金絲燕|責編:何歡
  • 出版社:中國大百科
  • ISBN:9787520216333
  • 出版日期:2024/10/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:963
人民幣:RMB 398 元      售價:



上 集 生平、治學與中法文化交流
  第1章 汪德邁生平、治學與漢學師承
    Chapter One Professor L?on Vandermeersch's Biography,Study and Sinology Transmission
  第2章 初訪中國文化書院
    Chapter Two Professor L?on Vandermeersch Became Attached to Academy of Chinese Culture Located at Peking University in
  第3章 汪德邁與北京大學湯一介、樂黛雲教授夫婦的交往
    Chapter Three L?on Vandermeersch's Association with Professors Tang Yijie and Yue Daiyun from Peking University
  第4章 訪問北京故宮、琉璃廠與天壇、安陽、敦煌、西安、三星堆
    Chapter Four Visit to the Palace Museum,Liulichang Antique Street and Temple of Heaven in Beijing,Anyang in Henan
Dunhuang Grottos in Gansu,Xi』 an in Shaanxi and Sanxingdui in Sichuan
  第5章 創設法蘭西學院「汪德邁中國學獎」
    Chapter Five Establishment of「L?on Vandermeersch Prize for Chinese Study」 Cooperated by Coll?ge de France and Mingyuan
Foundation for Chinese Culture and Education of Hong Kong
  第6章 法國駐華大使館主辦汪德邁專場講座《中國教給我們什麼》
    Chapter Six The French Embassy in China Hosts a Special Lecture on What Does China Teach Us by L?on Vandermeersch on
  第7章 法國駐華大使館舉辦中法合作「遠近叢書」《謙卑》等新書發布會(2019.4.23)
    Chapter Seven The Embassy of France in China Organized the Book Launch of L』 Humiliation in Far and Near Series and Other
Books in the Sino-French Cooperation on 23 April
  第8章 陳越光、董曉萍、金絲燕在法國巴黎訪談汪德邁(2018.6.9)
    Chapter Eight Chen Yueguang,Dong Xiaoping and Jin Siyan InterviewedL?on Vandermeersch in Paris of France on 9 June
  第9章 汪德邁在北京大學和清華大學講學與訪問
    Chapter Nine L?on Vandermeersch』 s Lectures and Visited at Peking University and Tsinghua University
  第10章 為法國阿爾多瓦大學孔子學院講學(2017.1.6)
    Chapter Ten Lecture for the Confucius Institute at University of Artois,France on 6 Jan
  第11章 汪德邁著作獲中國政府突出成就表彰
    Chapter Eleven L?on Vandermeersch's Works Honoured for Outstanding Achievements Award by Chinese government
  第12章 出席聯合國教科文組織「推進持續性和平的孔子教育:文化與語言的相遇」國際會議與系列交流活動
    Chapter Twelve Attended UNESCO International Conference of「Confucian Education for Promoting Sustainable Peace:When
Culture Meets Language」 and Serials of Communication Events
中 集 跨文化中國學教育
  第13章 第一屆跨文化學研究生國際課程班(2015)
    Chapter Thirteen First International Workshop of Transcultural Studies(2015)
  第14章 第二屆跨文化學研究生國際課程班(2016)
    Chapter Fourteen Second International Workshop of Transcultural Studies on23 August-22 November
  第15章 第三屆跨文化學研究生國際課程班(2017)
    Chapter Fifteen Third International Workshop of Transcultural Studies on 31 August-21 September
  第16章 第四屆跨文化學研究生國際課程班(2018)
    Chapter Sixteen Fourth International Workshop of Transcultural Studies on20-28 August
下 集 跨文化中國學教育
    Part three Higher & ducation of Ghinese Studies in the Transcultural Perspective
  第17章 第五屆跨文化學研究生國際課程班(2019/上)
    Chapter Seventeen Fifth International Workshop of Transcultural Studies(Teaching in Spring Semester on 11-20 April 2019)
  第18章 第六屆跨文化學研究生國際課程班(2019/下)
    Chapter Eighteen Sixth International Workshop of Transcultural
附錄一 中外人名索引(英文字母音序排列)
    Appendix I Ind ex of Chinese and Foreign Scholar』 s Names(in the phonetic order of the English)
附錄二 常用詞語簡編
    Appendix II Brief Glossary
圖片目錄/Catalogue of Photos in Chinese,English,French

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