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  • 作者:編者:郭明|責編:李琰//宋林青
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122447296
  • 出版日期:2024/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:359
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Dispersion system
  1.1  Solution
    1.1.1  Amount-of-substances and its units
    1.1.2  Concentration of amount-of-substance
    1.1.3  Amount-of-substance fraction
    1.1.4  Molality
    1.1.5  Mass fraction
  1.2  General properties of dilute solution
    1.2.1  Colligative properties
    1.2.2  The vapour pressure of the solution decreases
    1.2.3  Boiling point rise of solution
    1.2.4  The freezing point of the solution decreases
    1.2.5  Osmotic pressure of solution
  1.3  Electrolyte solution
    1.3.1  Electrolyte solution
    1.3.2  Dissociation degree
    1.3.3  Deviation of electrolyte colligative property
    1.3.4  Introduction of strong electrolyte solution theory
    1.3.5  Activity, activity coefficient and ionic strength
  1.4  Colloidal solution
    1.4.1  Dispersion degree and specific surface
    1.4.2  Surface energy
    1.4.3  Adsorption of gases by solids
    1.4.4  Adsorption of solids in solution
    1.4.5  Properties of sol
    1.4.6  Causes of charged sol particles
    1.4.7  Micelle structure
    1.4.8  Stability and condensation of sol
    1.4.9  Comparison of polymer solution and sol
Chapter 2  Fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics
  2.1  Basic Concepts
    2.1.1  System and environment
    2.1.2  State and state function
    2.1.3  Process and path
    2.1.4  Heat and work
    2.1.5  Internal energy
  2.2  Thermal effect of chemical reaction
    2.2.1  The first law of thermodynamics
    2.2.2  Concepts of reaction heat at constant volume, reaction heat at constant pressure and enthalpy
    2.2.3  Thermochemical equation
    2.2.4  Hess's Law
    2.2.5  Formation enthalpy
  2.3  Entropy and entropy increase principle
    2.3.1  Spontaneity of chemical reactions
    2.3.2  Entropy
    2.3.3  Standard molar entropy
  2.4  Gibbs function and chemical reaction direction
    2.4.1  Gibbs function
    2.4.2  Standard generated Gibbs function

    2.4.3  Relationship between ΔG and temperature
Chapter 3  Chemical reaction rate and chemical equilibrium
  3.1  Chemical reaction rate
    3.1.1  Reaction rate
    3.1.2  Mass action law and rate equation
    3.1.3  Rate theory of chemical reaction
  3.2  Catalyst
    3.2.1  Definition of catalyst
    3.2.2  Principle and method of catalysis
  3.3  Reversible reaction and chemical equilibrium
    3.3.1  Reversible reaction
    3.3.2  Equilibrium constant
    3.3.3  Relationship between standard equilibrium constant and Gibbs free energy
    3.3.4  Multiple equilibrium rules
    3.3.5  The movement of chemical equilibrium
Chapter 4  The Structure of the Chemical Substance
  4.1  Quantum mechanical models of atom
    4.1.1  Wave-particle duality of microscopic particles
    4.1.2  Heisenberg uncertainty relationship
    4.1.3  Wave functions and atomic orbitals
    4.1.4  Electron cloud and radial distribution
  4.2  Motion state of extranuclear electrons
    4.2.1  Four quantum numbers
    4.2.2  Electron arrangement outside the nucleus
  4.3  Electron layer of atoms and periodic table of elements
    4.3.1  Electron layer structure and period
    4.3.2  Periodicity of element properties
  4.4  Covalent bond
    4.4.1  Valence bond theory
    4.4.2  Hybrid orbital theory
  4.5  Intermolecular forces and hydrogen bonds
  4.6  Crystal structure
    4.6.1  Crystal characteristics
    4.6.2  Types of crystals
Chapter 5  Chemical analysis
  5.1  Overview of Analytical Chemistry
    5.1.1  Tasks and functions of Analytical Chemistry
    5.1.2  Classification of analytical methods
    5.1.3  General steps of quantitative analysis
  5.2  Errors in quantitative analysis
    5.2.1  Sources and classification of errors
    5.2.2  Expression of error
    5.2.3  Methods to improve the accuracy of analysis results
    5.2.4  Data processing of analysis results
  5.3  Significant figures and operation rules
    5.3.1  Significant figures
    5.3.2  Rounding off of significant figures

    5.3.3  Operation rules of significant numbers
  5.4  Titration analysis
    5.4.1  Overview of titration analysis
    5.4.2  Classification of titration analysis
    5.4.3  Conditions and methods of titration reaction
    5.4.4  Standard solution and reference material
    5.4.5  Calculation in titration analysis
Chapter 6  Acid-base reaction balance and acid-base titration
  6.1  Acid base proton theory
    6.1.1  Definition of acid base
    6.1.2  The conjugate relationship of acid and alkali and the common appearance of acid base pair
    6.1.3  Essence of acid-base reaction
    6.1.4  Proton self-transfer of water and pH value of solution
  6.2  Acid base balance
    6.2.1  Treatment method of acid-base balance in solution
    6.2.2  Dissociation equilibrium of weak acid and weak base in solution
    6.2.3  Same ion effect and salt effect
  6.3  Calculation of concentration in acid-base balance
    6.3.1  Calculation of pH value of acid-base solution
    6.3.2  Distribution of acid-base components in aqueous solution
  6.4  Acid base buffer solution
    6.4.1  Buffering principle
    6.4.2  Calculation of pH value of buffer solution
    6.4.3  Buffer capacity and buffer range
    6.4.4  Preparation of buffer solution
  6.5  Acid base indicator
    6.5.1  Discoloration principle of acid base indicator
    6.5.2  Discoloration range of acid-base indicator
    6.5.3  Main factors affecting the range of acid-base indicator
    6.5.4  Mixed indicators
  6.6  Basic principle of acid base titration
    6.6.1  Mutual titration of strong acid and strong base
    6.6.2  Titration of single weak acid (base) with strong base (acid)
    6.6.3  Titration of polybasic acids and bases
  6.7  Application of acid base titration
    6.7.1  Preparation and calibration of acid base standard solution
    6.7.2  Application examples
Chapter 7  Precipitation dissolution equilibrium and precipitation analysis
  7.1  Solubility product constant and solubility product rule
    7.1.1  Solubility
    7.1.2  Solubility product constant
    7.1.3  Conversion between solubility product and solubility
    7.1.4  Common ion effect and salt effect
    7.1.5  Rule of solubility product
  7.2  Application of solubility product rule
    7.2.1  Formation of precipitation
    7.2.2  Fractional precipitation
    7.2.3  Dissolution of precipitates

    7.2.4  Transformation of precipitation
  7.3  Precipitation titration method
    7.3.1  Overview of precipitation titration
    7.3.2  Determination of end point by precipitation titration
  7.4  Gravimetric method
    7.4.1  Overview of precipitation gravimetric analysis
    7.4.2  Factors affecting precipitation purity
    7.4.3  Selection of precipitation conditions
    7.4.4  Filtration and washing of precipitates
    7.4.5  Drying or burning of precipitates
    7.4.6  Calculation of analysis results
Chapter 8  Redox Reaction Balance and Redox Titration
  8.1  The basic concept of redox reaction
    8.1.1  Oxidation number
    8.1.2  Redox reaction
    8.1.3  Redox half reaction and redox electric pairs
  8.2  Balancing redox reaction equation
    8.2.1  Oxidation number method
    8.2.2  Ion-electron method
  8.3  Galvanic cell and electrode potential
    8.3.1  Galvanic cell and redox reaction
    8.3.2  Electrode potential
    8.3.3  Theoretical calculation of electrode potential (the relationship between electromotive force and ΔrGm)
  8.4  Factors affecting electrode potential and application of electrode potential
    8.4.1  Nernst equation and its application
    8.4.2  Factors affecting electrode potential
  8.5  Element potential diagram and its application
    8.5.1  Element potential diagram
    8.5.2  Application of element potential diagrams
  8.6  Redox titration
    8.6.1  Overview
    8.6.2  Redox titration curve
    8.6.3  Redox titration indicator
  8.7  Redox titration method in common use
    8.7.1  Potassium permanganate method
    8.7.2  Potassium dichromate method
    8.7.3  Iodometry
Chapter 9  Coordination Reaction Equilibrium and Coordination Titration
  9.1  Composition and nomenclature of coordination compound
    9.1.1  Composition of coordination compound
    9.1.2  Nomenclature of coordination compound
  9.2  Valence bond theory of coordination compound
    9.2.1  Valence bond theory
    9.2.2  Crystal field theory
  9.3  Coordination equilibrium
    9.3.1  Coordination equilibrium constant
    9.3.2  Movement of coordination equilibrium
  9.4  Chelate

    9.4.1  Definition of chelates
    9.4.2  Chelating agent
    9.4.3  Chelate effect
  9.5  The complexes of EDTA with metal ions and the stable
    9.5.1  EDTA dissociation equilibrium
    9.5.2  The characteristics of the chelate of EDTA and metal ions
    9.5.3  Main factors affecting the stability of EDTA complexes
    9.5.4  Conditional stability constants of EDTA complexes
  9.6  Coordination titration
    9.6.1  Coordination titration curve
    9.6.2  The condition of accurately titrating a metal
    9.6.3  Acidity range of coordination titration
  9.7  Metal indicator
    9.7.1  Principle of action of metal indicator
    9.7.2  Requirements for metal indicator
    9.7.3  Common metal indicators
    9.7.4  Selection of metal indicator
    9.7.5  Problems that should be paid attention to during the use of metal indicator
  9.8  Classification of coordination titration and elimination of interfering ions
    9.8.1  Classification of coordination titration
    9.8.2  Elimination of titration interference
  9.9  Application of coordination titration
    9.9.1  Preparation and calibration of EDTA standard solution
    9.9.2  Application examples
Chapter 10  Brief Content of Elemental Chemistry
  10.1  Halogen
    10.1.1  Overview
    10.1.2  Halogen elements
    10.1.3  Hydrogen halides and hydrohalides
    10.1.4  Halide
    10.1.5  Oxyacids and salts of halogens
  10.2  Oxygen
    10.2.1  Oxygen and ozone
    10.2.2  Hydrogen peroxide
  10.3  Nitrogen and phosphorus
    10.3.1  Nitrogen and its important compounds
    10.3.2  Important compounds of phosphorus
  10.4  Copper, silver, zinc, cadmium and mercury
    10.4.1  Important compounds of copper and silver
    10.4.2  Important compounds of zinc, cadmium and mercury
  10.5  Chromium, molybdenum and manganese
    10.5.1  Chromium and molybdenum compounds
    10.5.2  Manganese compounds
  10.6  Iron and cobalt
    10.6.1  Iron compounds
    10.6.2  Cobalt compounds
Chapter 11  Spectrophotometric method
  11.1  Selective absorption of light by substances

    11.1.1  Electromagnetic spectrum
    11.1.2  The interaction between light and matter
    11.1.3  Adsorption curve
    11.1.4  Characteristics of spectrophotometry
  11.2  Law of absorption of light
    11.2.1  Lambert-Beer's law
    11.2.2  Molar absorptivity
    11.2.3  The reason for deviating from Lambert-Beer's law
  11.3  Spectrophotometer
  11.4  Color reaction and selection of color conditions
    11.4.1  Selection of chromogenic reaction
    11.4.2  Selection of chromogenic conditions
  11.5  Selection of conditions for absorbance determination
    11.5.1  Selection of absorbing light range
    11.5.2  Selection of reference solution
    11.5.3  Interference and elimination methods
  11.6  Application of spectrophotometry
    11.6.1  Determination of single component
    11.6.2  Multicomponent quantitative method
    11.6.3  Differential spectrophotometry
The appendix

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