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  • 作者:編者:張更//馮英娜|責編:劉靜雯
  • 出版社:中國財富
  • ISBN:9787504780348
  • 出版日期:2024/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:236
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Module 1 Knowledge of Lettuce
  Task 1 Origin and Evolution of Lettuce
  Task 2 Botanical, Flowering, and Pollination Characteristics of Lettuce
  Task 3 Growth Cycle of Lettuce
  Task 4 Required Environmental Conditions for Lettuce
  Skill Training 1-1:Investigation of Lettuce Planting Worldwide
Module 2 Types and Main Varieties of Lettuce
  Task 1 Types of Lettuce
  Task 2 Main Varieties of Lettuce
  Skill Training 2-1:Study of Nutrition and Health Benefits of Lettuce
Module 3 Lettuce Seedling Raising Technique
  Task 1 Seed Quality
  Task 2 Seed Germination Conditions and Lettuce Seed Treatment
  Task 3 Lettuce Sowing and Seedling Raising
  Skill Training 3-1:Seedling Raising of Lettuce in Plug Trays
  Skill Training 3-2:Impact of Plug Tray Size on the Quality of Lettuce Seedlings
  Skill Training 3-3:Determination of Lettuce Seed Viability
Module 4 Storage and Transportation of Lettuce Seedlings
  Task 1 Preparations for Transportation
  Task 2 Packaging and Transportation Tools
  Task 3 Techniques to Maintain the Quality of Seedlings during Storage and Transportation
  Skill Training 4-1:Investigation on Lettuce Seedling Transportation
Module 5 Lettuce Cultivation Mode and Technology
  Task 1 Open Cultivation of Lettuce
  Task 2 Lettuce Cultivation with Facilities
  Task 3 Lettuce Soilless Culture
  Task 4 Organic Culture of Lettuce
  Skill Training 5-1:Preparation of Nutrient Solution
  Skill Training 5-2:Effects of Photoperiod on Lettuce Seedling Growth
  Skill Training 5-3:Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Lettuce Seedling Growth
Module 6 Construction and Environmental Regulation of Protection Facilities
  Task 1 Type and Classification of Protection Facilities
  Task 2 Construction of Plastic Greenhouses and Solar Greenhouses
  Task 3 Control of Environmental Conditions in Facilities
  Skill Training 6-1:Investigation on Types of Horticultural Facilities
  Skill Training 6-2:Structural Observation and Design of Plastic Arched Sheds
  Skill Training 6-3:Application of CO2 Fertilizer
Module 7 Techniques for Control of Lettuce Diseases and Pests
  Task 1 Types and Control of Infectious Diseases
  Task 2 Types, Prevention, and Control of Physiological Diseases
  Task 3 Types, Prevention, and Control of Insect Pests
  Task 4 Eco-friendly Techniques for Prevention and Control of Lettuce Diseases and Pests
  Skill Training 7-1:Investigation of Lettuce Undernutrition
  Skill Training 7-2:Pesticide Formulations and Application Methods
Module 8 Lettuce Breeding
  Task 1 Breeding Overview
  Task 2 Breeding Objectives
  Task 3 Selective Breeding and Sexual Crossbreeding
  Task 4 Breeding of Superior Varieties
  Skill Training 8-1:Lettuce Seed Purity Analysis

  Skill Training 8-2:Visiting Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
  Skill Training 8-3:Factor Analysis for Introduction of Horticultural Plants

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