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Jet Transport技術--理論與應用(英文版)(精)

  • 作者:Jianping Yuan//Jianlin Chen//Chen Gao//Chuan Ma//Josep J.Masdemont等
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030773890
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:180
人民幣:RMB 198 元      售價:

    This book focuses on the Jet Transport (JT) technique and gives a systematicintroduction on its theory development, algorithm implementation, and in particular,the applications in the field of astronautics including uncertainty propagation, filtering,as well as guidance and control. It features on the combination of mathematical theoryand engineering applications, making the technique to be understood and masteredstraightforwardly. Moreover, the JT-based methods proposed in the book offer a newand ingenious way to some classical problems.
    Given its breadth of coverage, the book offers a valuable reference guide for researchersand engineers interested in the JT methodology including theory and applications.

Jianping Yuan//Jianlin Chen//Chen Gao//Chuan Ma//Josep J.Masdemont等

1  Introduction
  1.1  Jet Transport Technique
  1.2  Organization of the Book
2  The Implementation of Jet Transport Software
  2.1  Polynomial Storage
  2.2  Polynomial Algebra
    2.2.1  Basic Polynomial Operations
    2.2.2  Differential Polynomial Algebra
    2.2.3  Polynomial Approximation to Univariate Functions
    2.2.4  Polynomial Approximation to a Multi-variable Function
    2.2.5  Numerical Simulations
  2.3  Flow Propagation
    2.3.1  Parameterization Method
    2.3.2  Runge-Kutta Methods
    2.3.3  Semi-analytical Polynomial Propagation
    2.3.4  Polynomial Evaluation
    2.3.5  Numerical Simulations
3  Analysis of Orbit Uncertainty Propagation Using Jet Transport
  3.1  Executive Summary
  3.2  Dynamical Models
    3.2.1  Cartesian Dynamic Model
    3.2.2  Cylindrical Coordinates
    3.2.3  GEO Dynamical Model
    3.2.4  Coordinate Transformations
  3.3  Analysis of Dominant Perturbation Accelerations
    3.3.1  Perturbation Modelling
    3.3.2  Perturbation Analysis
  3.4  Geostationary Orbit Propagation
    3.4.1  Selection of Fixed Step Integrator
    3.4.2  Polynomial-based Orbit Propagation
    3.4.3  Comparison with Different Coordinate Representations
4 Jet Transport Application to Particle Filter for Attitude Estimation of Tumbling Space Objects
  4.1  Executive Summary
  4.2  Basic Dynamical Models
  4.3  Quaternion Particle Filter
  4.4  Jet Transport Particle Filter
  4.5  Simulation Studies
    4.5.1  Simulation Scenarios
    4.5.2  Simulation Results
5 Jet Transport-based High Order Kalman Filter for Joint Orbit and Parameter Estimation
  5.1  Executive Summary
  5.2  Augmented High Order Extended Kalman Filter
  5.3  Joint Orbit and Parameter Estimation
    5.3.1  Equations of Motion
    5.3.2  Measurement Model
    5.3.3  Case A: Spacecraft State and Physical Parameter Estimation

    5.3.4  Case B: Spacecraft State and Tracking Station Position Estimation
    5.3.5  Evaluation Metrics
  5.4  Numerical Simulations
    5.4.1  Spacecraft Physical Parameter Estimation
    5.4.2  Tracking Station Position Estimation
6  Autonomous Orbit Determination and Fault-tolerant Designs Using Jet Transport
  6.1  Executive Summary
  6.2  Standard High Order Extended Kalman Filter
  6.3  Fault-tolerant Variants of the JT-HEKF-n Filter
    6.3.1  Fault Measurement Detection
    6.3.2  False Measurement-discarding Based JT-HEKF-n Filter
    6.3.3  Single and Multiple Scale Factor Based JT-HEKF-n Filter
  6.4  Model Description
    6.4.1  Equations of Motion
    6.4.2  Measurement Model
  6.5  Numerical Simulations
    6.5.1  Autonomous Nonlinear Orbit Determination
    6.5.2  Autonomous Fault-tolerant Orbit Determination
7 Jet Transport-based Adaptive Order-switching Filter
  7.1  Executive Summary
  7.2  Order- switching Based JT-HEKF-n Filter
    7.2.1  Design of the Adaptive Order- switching Strategy
    7.2.2  Detailed Implementation of A JT-OSHEKF-n Filter
  7.3  Model Description
    7.3.1  Equations of Motion
    7.3.2  Measurement Model
  7.4  Numerical Simulations
    7.4.1  Case Study A: Adverse Simulation Scenario
    7.4.2  Case Study B: Mild Simulation Scenario
8  Low-thrust Station Keeping at Libration Point Orbits Using Jet Transport
  8.1  Executive Summary
  8.2  Equations of Motion
  8.3  Geometric Structure Around Halo Orbits
  8.4  Station- keeping Strategies
    8.4.1  Limit Impulsive Control Laws
    8.4.2  Dynamical Reshaping Control Laws
    8.4.3  Geometric Analysis of the Limit Impulsive Control Laws
  8.5  Numerical Simulations
    8.5.1  Stability of the Control Laws
    8.5.2  Long-term and Geometric Behavior of the Controlled System
    8.5.3  Robustness of the Control Laws to Navigation Errors
    8.5.4  Control Cost Estimations
    8.5.5  A Note on A HSP Control Law

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