幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:龍芸//袁軼鋒|責編:林森//任戰|總主編:崔衛//余建中//王朝暉//陳文傑
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309174083
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:172
人民幣:RMB 32.9 元      售價:



Unit 1  College Life
  Text A  "You Need Someone on the Inside"
  Text B  How to Be a Sustainable Student
  Text C  How to Pick the Right Uni Subject to Boost Your Job Prospects
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 2  Rising Tech Kids
  Text A  Coding the Future: The Tech Kids Solving Life's Problems (Part A)
  Text B  Coding the Future: The Tech Kids Solving Life's Problems (Part B)
  Text C  Highest-paid Child Influencer on Social Media
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 3  Success
  Text A  Why First Year at Uni Is a Make-or-Break Experience?
  Text B  Skill vs Luck: Who Really Deserves the Rewards from Success?
  Text C  Playing Nice at Work Could Cost You Success
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 4  Holidays
  Text A  A-to-E Guide for a Healthy Holiday
  Text B  Nine Tips to Make Your Holidays More Festive
  Text C  Why You Are Checking Work Emails on Holidays and How to Stop
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 5  Online Learning
  Text A  6 Ways to Make the Most of School Online
  Text B  3 Ways Students Can Get the Most from Searching Online
  Text C  Lab Experiments in the Pandemic Moved Online or Mailed Home
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 6  Languages
  Text A  Renaming English
  Text B  Are Americans Destroying the English Language?
  Text C  Translation Technology Should Not Replace Learning Languages
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 7  Keeping Healthy During the Pandemic
  Text A  Social Distancing Taking Its Toll on Mental Health
  Text B  Safe Exercise Options in the Pandemic
  Text C  Five Apps Helping You Stay Social in Isolation
  Reflection and Extension
Unit 8  Pandemic and Digital Transformation
  Text A  The Virus Changed the Way We Internet
  Text B  How the Pandemic Pushed the Digital Transformation Agenda Ahead
  Text C  How the Pandemic Is Fast-tracking Digital Transformation
  Reflection and Extension
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Suggested Answers to the Exercises

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