幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:李延勇//楊靜|責編:任戰|總主編:陳堅林//楊港//李延勇
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309174519
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:182
人民幣:RMB 52 元      售價:



Unit 1  Treasures of Ancient Art and Craftsmanship
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
    Section 1  The Evolution of Jade Ware in China: A Cultural and Historical Journey
    Section 2  Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
    Wenxi Dough Figurine
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    Chinese Art Exhibition at Greek Museum Conveys Message of Peace
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery
Unit 2  Diverse Expressions of Chinese Art
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
     Section 1  A Brief History of Chinese Music
     Section 2  Erhu
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
     Cheongsam -- A Chinese Cultural Icon
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
     Beauty of Zhang Yimou's Shadow Stuns Audience in Venice
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
     Chinese Cloisonne
Unit 3  Myths and Poetry: From Ancient Verses to Modern Insights
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
    Section 1  Five Chinese Myths
    Section 2  Chinese Poetry: The Birth of Literature
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
    Du Fu: The Poet-Sage
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    What Can Ancient Chinese Poems Tell Us about the Problems of Today?
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    Chia-ying Yeh Received the Award for Outstanding Contributions to China Studies
Unit 4  Masters of Chinese Novels and Their Iconic Narratives
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
    Section 1  Lu Xun: A Literary Giant of the 20th Century
    Section 2  Lao She's London Days
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
    The Dream of the Red Chamber
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    Jin Yong Creates His Own Era in Chinese Literature
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Unit 5  Brilliant Ancient Civilization
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
    Section 1  Xuan Paper: A Witness to Millennia of Chinese History
    Section 2  The Achievements of the Tang Dynasty
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television

    The Four Great Inventions
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    Ancient Chinese Innovations and Their Global Impact
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    China: A Cradle of Human Civilization
Unit 6  Rejuvenation of the Great Nation
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
    Section 1  WTO: China's Entry Benefits the World
    Section 2  China's Significant Achievements in Poverty Alleviation
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
    An Extraordinary Decade of China in the New Era
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    China Makes Impressive High-Quality Development with BRI
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    ZGC Forum Unveils Major Technological Achievements
Unit 7  The People Are the Creators of History
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story
    Section 1  Emperor Yu Taming the Flood
    Section 2  Yue Fei Fighting Against the Jin Army
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
    People Are the True Heroes
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    The Craftsmanship: Heritage and Innovation
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    Huang Xuhua, Father of China's Nuclear Submarine
Unit 8  The Chinese Spirit
  Part 1  Lead-in
  Part 2  China in Legend and Story

    Section 1  Kuafu Chasing the Sun
    Section 2  The Story of Fan Zhongyan
  Part 3  China in Movie and Television
    The Silk Road: Encounters of Civilizations
  Part 4  China on the World Stage
    Spirit of Space Exploration
  Part 5  Supplementary Activity
    China's Neighborhood Diplomacy

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