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  • 作者:編者:張新星|責編:丁里|總主編:陳軍
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030794727
  • 出版日期:2024/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:107
人民幣:RMB 39 元      售價:



1  Fossil Fuels
  1.1  Overview of Fossil Fuels
  1.2  Coal
    1.2.1  Coal Type
    1.2.2  The Formation of Coal
    1.2.3  Coal Mining
    1.2.4  The Chemistry of Coal
    1.2.5  The History of the Use of Coal
    1.2.6  The Utilization of Coal
  1.3  Petroleum
    1.3.1  The Formation of Petroleum
    1.3.2  The Obtaining of Petroleum
    1.3.3  The Chemistry of Petroleum
    1.3.4  The History of the Use of Petroleum
    1.3.5  The Refinement of Petroleum
  1.4  Natural Gas
    1.4.1  The Origin of Natural Gas
    1.4.2  The Distribution of Natural Gas
    1.4.3  The Chemistry of Natural Gas
    1.4.4  The History of the Use of Natural Gas
    1.4.5  The Utilization of Natural Gas
2  Solar Energy
  2.1  Introduction of Solar Energy
  2.2  Solar Radiation
  2.3  Solar Energy Conversion
    2.3.1 Fuel
    2.3.2 Heat
    2.3.3  Electricity
  2.4  Photovoltaic Cells
3  Wind Energy
  3.1  Introduction of Wind Energy
  3.2  History of Wind Energy
    3.2.1  A Brief History of Windmills
    3.2.2  Early Wind Generation of Electricity
    3.2.3  The Resurgence of Wind Energy
    3.2.4  Technological Underpinnings of Modern Wind Turbines
  3.3  Assessment of Wind Energy Resources
  3.4  Environmental Performance of Wind Energy
  3.5  Current Status
4  Hydrogen Energy
  4.1  Introduction of Hydrogen Energy
  4.2  Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Energy

  4.3  Hydrogen Production
    4.3.1  Thermal Processes
    4.3.2  Electrolytic and Photolytic Processes
    4.3.3  Biological Processes
  4.4  Hydrogen Storage Technologies
    4.4.1  Chemical Storage
    4.4.2  Physisorption
  4.5  Applications of Hydrogen
    4.5.1  Industry Applications
    4.5.2  Fuel Cells
  4.6  Safe Use of Hydrogen
5  Hydropower
  5.1  Introduction of Hydropower
    5.1.1  History
    5.1.2  Modern Usage
  5.2  Hydroelectricity
    5.2.1  Generating Methods
    5.2.2  Future Potential
    5.2.3  Sizes and Capacities of Hydroelectric Facilities
    5.2.4  Properties
    5.2.5  Comparison and Interactions with Other Methods of Power Generation
    5.2.6  Reducing the Risk
    5.2.7  World Hydroelectric Capacity
  5.3  Ocean Power
    5.3.1  Marine Current Power
    5.3.2  Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
    5.3.3  Concerns
    5.3.4  Prospect
    5.3.5  Related Activities
  5.4  The Future of Hydropower
6  Nuclear Energy
  6.1  Introduction of Nuclear Energy
  6.2  History of Nuclear Energy
  6.3  Nuclear Fission
    6.3.1  The Process of Nuclear Fission
    6.3.2  The Energy Released in Nuclear Fission
  6.4  Nuclear Power Plants
    6.4.1  Development History
    6.4.2  Working Principle
    6.4.3  Current Status
    6.4.4  Risks and Challenges
  6.5  Nuclear Fusion
    6.5.1  The Process of Nuclear Fusion
    6.5.2  The Energy Released in Nuclear Fusion
    6.5.3  Controlled Nuclear Fusion

7  Biomass Energy
  7.1  Introduction of Biomass Energy
  7.2  Biomass Energy Conversion Technologies
    7.2.1  Thermochemical Conversion
    7.2.2  Biochemical Conversion
  7.3  Positive Aspects of Biomass
    7.3.1  Merits of Biomass over Fossil Fuels
    7.3.2  Benefits of Biowaste
    7.3.3  Biomass Conversion Emission
    7.3.4  Dry Wood Biomass
    7.3.5  Benefits of Agricultural Plantations
  7.4  Barriers to Biomass Energy Technologies
  7.5  Future Research Directions
8  Geothermal Energy
  8.1  Introduction of Geothermal Energy
  8.2  Extraction of Geothermal Energy
  8.3  Uses of Geothermal Energy
    8.3.1  Some Direct Uses
    8.3.2  Geothermal Heat Pumps
    8.3.3  Electricity Generation
  8.4  A Brief History of Geothermal EnergyUse
  8.5  Geothermal Energy and the Environment
    8.5.1  Air Pollution
    8.5.2  Water Pollution
    8.5.3  Land Subsidence
    8.5.4  Induced Seismicity
    8.5.5  Noise
  8.6  The Future of Geothermal Energy

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