幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:雷婕//徐微//章志萍|責編:羅蘭//陳彥婕|總主編:汪榕培//石堅//鄒申
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309174571
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:195
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:

    本教材共分8個主題單元,每個主題單元包括3篇和大學英語四、六級考試真題相似長度和難度的文章。其中Passage 1 和Passage 2為教師上課選擇主講的課文,而Passage 3可以安排學生課後自主練習。每篇文章后附有相關的文化背景知識註釋。
    單元主題下的3篇文章都配有相應的兩種類型的練習,其中Passage 1、Passage 2和Passage 3的第1個練習都是大學英語四、六級考試中的題型——配對題。Passage 1的第2個練習是段落翻譯題;Passage 2的第2個練習為選詞填空題;而Passage 3的第2個練習則為寫作題。如此,一個單元的配套練習已涵蓋大學英語四、六級考試中絕大部分題型。


Unit 1  College Life
  Passage 1  University: There's No Better Place to Be at the Age of 18
  Passage 2  What Constitutes a Good Major in College?
  Passage 3  American University Students Work Too Much At Jobs, Not School
Unit 2  Love
  Passage 1  Road of Prosperity: A Sino-African Love Story Brews in Kashgar (喀什)
  Passage 2  The Mysteries of Dating Solved by an Economist
  Passage 3  Love Triumphs over Autism (孤獨症)
Unit 3  Human & Artificial Intelligence
  Passage 1  Humanity Will Matter More Than Ever
  Passage 2  AI Powers China's Astronomical Quest
  Passage 3  Your Job Is (Probably) Safe from AI
Unit 4  Education
  Passage 1  China's Push for Education Equality
  Passage 2  The Value of an Education That Never Ends
  Passage 3  AI Helps Higher Education
Unit 5  Cooperation and Team Spirit
  Passage 1  Lessons on Teamwork and Leadership from Journey to the West
  Passage 2  Hard and Soft Connections
  Passage 3  Sculptures Bridge BRI Cultural Ties
Unit 6  Family
  Passage 1  Family Values Guide China to Rejuvenation
  Passage 2  In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All
  Passage 3  My Family Values
Unit 7  Pop Culture
  Passage 1  Horse-face Skirt Sails Overseas as Unique Chinese Cultural Symbol
  Passage 2  Foreign Reaction Videos Show Chinese Cultural Resonance
  Passage 3  China's Flourishing Sci-fi Industry Shows Potential for Further Development
Unit 8  Space Exploration
  Passage 1  China Adds Two More Satellites to Mega BeiDou Constellation (星座)
  Passage 2  Can Rogue Planets (離群行星) Support Life?
  Passage 3 What Dead Whales Can Teach Us About Finding Aliens on Mars

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