幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:龍艷霞//韋建輝|責編:江黎涵//鄭梅俠|總主編:李清華//王中強
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309175073
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:321
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Unit 1 Routine Physical Examination
  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A Physical Examination Form
  Text B Physical Examination
  Text C State of Connecticut Department of Education Health Assessment Record
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 2 Medical History & Physical Examination
  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A Advanced Carcinoma of Right Breast,Mild Rheumatic Arthritis,Etc.(a complete case record)
  Text B T.P.Moran Patient H&P #14
  Text C Sample Pediatric History and Physical Exam
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 3 Admission Note & Discharge Summary
  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A An Inpatient Admission Note
  Text B Discharge Summary:Chest Pain
  Text C Checklists for Admission & Discharge Planning
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 4 SOAP Note
  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A SOAP Note for Shoulder Pain
  Text B SOAP Note for Abdominal Pain
  Text C Clinical SOAP Note for Painful Urination
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 5 Informed Consent
  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A Informed Consent to HIV Antibody Test
  Text B Informed Consent for Cataract Surgery and/or Implantation of an Intraocular Lens
  Text C Informed Consent and Agreement for the Patient
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 6 Operative Report
  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A Incarcerated Umbilical Hernia & Small Bowel Ischemia
  Text B Cervical Spondylosis and Cervical Radiculitis
  Text C Facial Rhytides
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 7 Postoperative Ward Round Record
  Section l Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A Case of Burst Abdomen
  Text B Case of Secondary Hemorrhage
  Text C Case of Hysterectomy
  Section III Summary & Expansion
Unit 8 Drug Direction

  Section I Lead- in
  Section II Passage Reading
  Text A Tylenol Brand of Acetaminophen
  Text B Motrin Prescribing Information
  Text C COUMADIN(Warfarin Sodium)Tablets
  Section III Summary & Expansion

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