幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:馮豫|責編:任戰|總主編:翟象俊//鄭樹裳//張增健
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309174465
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:222
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Unit 1  The Coming-of-age Experiences
  Text A  How I Got Smart
    Part 1  Pre-reading Activities
    Part 2  Text-related Information
    Part 3  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 4  Grammar Focus
    Part 5  Additional Activities
    Part 6  Key to Exercises
    Part 7  Chinese Translation of Text A
  Text B  College Class Tries to Revive the Lost Art of Dating
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text B
  Text C  Coming of Age
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text C
  Key to Extended Practice
Unit 2  The Rediscovery of Wonder
  Text A  The Sense of Wonder
    Part 1  Pre-reading Activities
    Part 2  Text-related Information
    Part 3  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 4  Grammar Focus
    Part 5  Additional Activities
    Part 6  Key to Exercises
    Part 7  Chinese Translation of Text A
  Text B  How to Revive Your Sense of Wonder
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text B
  Text C  The Innocent Eye
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrase
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text C
  Key to Extended Practice
Unit 3  "Seize the Day"
  Text A  College Pressures
    Part 1  Pre-reading Activities
    Part 2  Text-related Information
    Part 3  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 4  Grammar Focus
    Part 5  Additional Activities
    Part 6  Key to Exercises
    Part 7  Chinese Translation of Text A
  Text B  Forging Your Own Path: Facing Uncertainty in the Future

    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text B
  Text C  College Lectures: Is Anybody Listening?
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text C
  Key to Extended Practice
Unit 4  Seeking Cultural Insight
  Text A  The ABCs of the U.S.A.: America Seen with European Eyes
    Part 1  Pre-reading Activities
    Part 2  Text-related Information
    Part 3  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 4  Grammar Focus
    Part 5  Additional Activities
    Part 6  Key to Exercises
    Part 7  Chinese Translation of Text A
  Text B  Xiao as Reciprocal Obligation
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text B
  Text C  Core American Values and Assumptions
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text C
  Key to Extended Practice
Unit 5  Guard Human Life Through Road Safety
  Text A  Every 23 Minutes
    Part 1  Pre-reading Activities
    Part 2  Text-related Information
    Part 3  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 4  Grammar Focus
    Part 5  Additional Activities
    Part 6  Key to Exercises
    Part 7  Chinese Translation of Text A
  Text B A Shocking Reversal: Traffic Fatalities Soar Despite Safety Gains
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text B
  Text C  Needed: A License to Drink
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text C
  Key to Extended Practice

Unit 6  Live a Happy Life
  Text A  So What's So Bad about Being So-so?
    Part 1  Pre-reading Activities
    Part 2  Text-related Information
    Part 3  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 4  Grammar Focus
    Part 5  Additional Activities
    Part 6  Key to Exercises
    Part 7  Chinese Translation of Text A
  Text B  Slow Living for a Fast-paced Life
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text B
  Text C  Stripping Down to Bare Happiness
    Part 1  Text-related Information
    Part 2  Difficult Sentences and Phrases
    Part 3  Key to Exercises
    Part 4  Chinese Translation of Text C
  Key to Extended Practice

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