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  • 作者:編者:劉長江|責編:劉艷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302663829
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:196
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit 1 Carbon We Live By
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ Why Is Carbon the Key to Life?
    Video Ⅱ Keep Up with Carbon
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
Active Reading:The Carbon Cycle
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading:A Short History of the Earth's Climate
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 2 Carbon Emissions
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ A Simple Explanation of Climate Change
    Video Ⅱ Europe's Climate in 2050
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
Active Reading: Greenhouse Effect
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: Are Humans to Blame for Global     Warming?
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 3 Carbon Neutrality
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ Carbon Neutrality
    Video Ⅱ "Explaining Shanghai--Carbon Reduction
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
Active Reading: Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: Achieve Dual Carbon Goals in a Balanced Way
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 4 Carbon Trading
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ What Is Carbon Trading?
    Video Ⅱ How Do Carbon Markets Work?
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
Active Reading: Carbon Trading-What is It and How Does It Work?
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: China's National ETS -A Model
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 5 Green Materials 6o0д oganon
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight

    Video Ⅰ The Miracle Material-Graphene2 nh
    Video Ⅱ Materials Science for a Sustainable World
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
Active Reading: Materials Science Breakthroughs
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: What's China Doing in Materials Science?
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 6 Clean Energy
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy
    Video Ⅱ Can 100 Percent Renewable Energy Power the World?
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
Active Reading: All We Need to Know About Clean Energy
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: China's Green Transition: A Feasible Way of Quitting Coa
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 7 Transport Decarbonization
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ The Surprisingly Long History of Electric Cars
    Video Ⅱ Can Flying Go Green?
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
    Active Reading:A Strategy to Decarbonize the Global Transport Sector
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: How Can Airlines Chart a Path to Zero-Carbon Flying?
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment
Unit 8 Sustainable Living
  Phase Ⅰ First Sight
    Video Ⅰ What Is Sustainability?
    Video Ⅱ Top Eco-Friendly Cities in the World
  Phase Ⅱ Getting to Know
    Warm-up Activity
    Active Reading: How Cities Are Going Carbon Neutral?
  Phase Ⅲ Engaging Yourself
    Warm-up Activity
    Further Reading: Green Living in China
  Phase Ⅳ Commitment

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