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  • 作者:編者:庄曉敏//張學謙//王翔//李崇月//丁建|責編:李經晶
  • 出版社:江蘇大學
  • ISBN:9787568421348
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:124
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction to Academic Writing
  1.1  Objectives of Academic Writing
  1.2  Genres in Academic Writing
  1.3  Style of Academic Writing
  1.4  Structure of Academic Research Paper
Chapter 2  Title and Subtitles
  2.1  Types of Titles
  2.2  Characteristics of Good Titles
  2.3  Functions of Subtitles
  2.4  Steps to Write a Good Title
  2.5  Useful Formats to Compose a Good Title
  2.6  Grammar and Writing Tips
Chapter 3  Abstract
  3.1  Structure of the Abstract
  3.2  Types of the Abstract
  3.3  Characteristics of a Well-Crafted Abstract
  3.4  Differences Between Abstracts and Introductions
  3.5  Sample Analysis
  3.6  Steps to Write a Good Abstract
  3.7  Grammar and Writing Skills
  3.8  Useful Sentence Patterns in Writing Abstracts
Chapter 4  Introduction
  4.1  Purpose of the Introduction
  4.2  Structure of the Introduction
  4.3  Sample Analysis
  4.4  Steps to Write a Good Introduction
  4.5  Writing Tips
  4.6  Useful Sentence Patterns in Writing Introductions
Chapter 5  Thesis Statement
  5.1  Understanding the Thesis Statement
  5.2  Characteristics of a Good Thesis Statement
  5.3  Sample Analysis
  5.4  Steps to Write an Impactful Thesis Statement
  5.5  Writing Tips
Chapter 6  Hypolhesis
  6.1  Characteristics of a Hypothesis
  6.2  Types of Hypothesis
  6.3  Steps to Write a Hypothesis
  6.4  Useful Sentence Patterns in Writing Hypotheses
Chapter 7  Literature Review
  7.1  Structure of a Literature Review
  7.2  Types of Literature Review
  7.3  Characteristics of a Well-Written Literature Review
  7.4  Sample Analysis

  7.5  Steps to Write a Literature Review
  7.6  Grammar and Writing Tips
  7.7  Useful Sentences in Literature Review  ,
Chapter 8  Methodology and Methods
  8.1  Differences Between Methodology and Method
  8.2  General Types of Methodology
  8.3  Qualitative Research Methods
  8.4  Quantitative Research Methods
Chapter 9  Discussions and Conclusions
  9.1  Discussions
  9.2  Conclusions
Chapter 10  AI-Assisted Literature Research and Paper Reading
  10.1  Role of AI in Literature Reading
  10.2  Characteristics of AI in Literature Reading
  10.3  Applications of AI in Literature Reading
  10.4  Techniques and Methods for M-Assisted Literature Search
  10.5  Techniques and Methods for M-Assisted Literature Translation
  10.6  Introduction to Relevant Tools and Platforms

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