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  • 作者:編者:胡海雲//繆勁松//馮艷全//吳曉麗|責編:時京京
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787576329322
  • 出版日期:2023/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:246
人民幣:RMB 52 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Mechanical Basis of Special Relativity
  1.1  Basic Principles of Special Relativity
    1.1.1  Principle of Relativity of Mechanics, Absolute Space-time View and Galilean transformatior
    1.1.2  Einstein's Principle of Relativity and the Principle of Constant Speed of Light
  1.2  Effects of Space and Time in Relativity
    1.2.1  Measurement of Space and Time
    1.2.2  Time Dilation
    1.2.3  Length Contraction
    1.2.4  Relativity of Simultaneity
  1.3  The Lorentz Transformation
    1.3.1  Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation
    1.3.2  Using the Lorentz Transformation to Verify the Spacetime Effect of Relativity
    1.3.3  Minkowski Space
  1.4  The Relativistic Velocity Transformation
  1.5  Basis of Relativistic Dynamics
    1.5.1  The Relativistic Momentum and Mass
    1.5.2  Mass-Energy Relation
    1.5.3  Energy-Momentum Relationships
  *1.6  Introduction to General Relativity
    1.6.1  Basic Principles of General Relativity
    1.6.2  Several Experimental Verifications of General Relativity
Chapter 2  Wave-particle Duality of Microscopic Particles
  2.1  Black Body Radiation and Planck's Energon Hypothesis
    2.1.1  Black Body Radiation
    2.1.2  Planck's Quantum Hypothesis
  2.2  Photoelectric Effect and Einstein's Photon Theory
    2.2.1  Photoelectric Effect
    2.2.2  Einstein's Photon Theory
    2.2.3  Wave-Particle Duality of Light
  2.3  Compton Effect
    2.3.1  Compton Effect
    2.3.2  Explanation of Compton Effect by Light Quantum Theory
  2.4  Hydrogen Atom Spectrum and Bohr's Theory of Hydrogen Atom
    2.4.1  Hydrogen Atom Spectrum
    2.4.2  Bohr's Theory of Hydrogen Atom
  2.5  The Wave Property of Particle and Born's Statistical Interpretation
    2.5.1  De Broglie Wave
    2.5.2  Experimental Verification of de Broglie Wave
    2.5.3  Born's Statistical Interpretatior
    2.5.4  Wave Function of Free Particle
  2.6  Uncertainty Relation
Chapter 3  Schrodinger Equation and its Applications
  3.1  Schrodinger Equation
    3.1.1  Schrodinger Equation for a Free Particle

    3.1.2  Schrodinger Equation in General
    3.1.3  Steady-state Schrodinger Equation
  3.2  A Particle in a One-dimensional Square-well
    3.2.1  A Particle in a One-dimensional Infinite Square-well
    3.2.2  A Particle in a One-dimensional Finite Square-well
    3.2.3  One-dimensional Square Potential Barrier and Barrier Penetration
  3.3  The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
  3.4  Electrons in Atoms
    3.4.1  Hydrogen Atom
    3.4.2  The Stern-Gerlach Experiment and Electron Spin
  3.5  Four Quantum Numbers and Atomic Shell Structure
    3.5.1  Four Quantum Numbers
    3.5.2  The Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Principle of the Lowest Energy
    3.5.3  Shell Structure of Atoms
  *3.6  Laser
    3.6.1  The Generation of Laser
    3.6.2  Characteristics of Laser
    3.6.3  Application of Laser: Laser Cooling
Chapter 4  Electrons in Solids
  4.1  Free Electrons in Metals
    4.1.1  The Free-election-gas Model
    4.1.2  Fermi Energy of Free Electron Gas
    4.1.3  Density of States and Fermi-Dirac Distribution
  4.2  Band Theory of Solids
    4.2.1  Energy Bands of Solids
    4.2.2  Valence Band, Conduction Band and Forbidden Band
    4.2.3  Conductor, Insulator and Semiconductor
  4.3  Semiconductor Conduction
    4.3.1  Classification of Semiconductors
    4.3.2  PN Junction
    4.3.3  Semiconductor Devices
Chapter 5  Nuclear Physics
  5.1  Properties of the Nucleus
    5.1.1  Composition of the Nucleus
    5.1.2  Shape and Size of the Nucleus
    5.1.3  Spin and Magnetic Moment of the Nucleus
  5.2  Binding Energy and Nuclear Force
    5.2.1  Binding Energy
    5.2.2  Nuclear Force
  5.3  Radioactive Decay of the Nucleus
    5.3.1  Radioactivity
    5.3.2  Radioactive Decay Law
    5.3.3  Alpha Decay
    5.3.4  Beta Decay

    5.3.5  Gamma Decay
    5.3.6  Applications of Radioactivity
  5.4  Nuclear Reactions
    5.4.1  Artificial Nuclear Reactions
    5.4.2  Nuclear Fission
    5.4.3  Nuclear Fusion

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