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  • 作者:編者:黃川//方媛媛//劉掬漣//鳳群//李為山|責編:鄭潔
  • 出版社:合肥工業大學
  • ISBN:9787565067716
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:282
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Unit One  Applications in Microelectronic Engineering
  Text A  DNNs as Applied to Eleetromagnetics,Antennas,and Propagation A Review
  Text B  Ultrathin Polymer Nanofibrils for Solar-Blind Deep Ultraviolet Light Photodetectors Application
Unit Two  Applications in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
  Text A  Efficient Determination of Scalar Coupling Networks by Band Selective Decoupled 2D NMR Spectroscopy
  Text B  AI-designed NMR Spectroscopy RF Pulses for Fast Acquisition at High and Uhra-high Magnetic Fields
Unit Three  Food and Biological Engineering
  Text A  The Need and Safety of Vitamin Supplementation in Adults with Obesity within 9 Months Post Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) : Assessment Based on Intake
  Text B  Development and Analysis of Machine-learning Guided Flash Nanoprecipitation (Fnp) for Continuous Chitosan Nanoparticles Production
Unit Four  Researches in Materials Science
  Text A  Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Change of W - Y203 Alloy under Helium Irradiation
  Text B  Manufacturing of Tungsten and Tungsten Composites for Fusion Application via Different Routes
Unit Five  Researches in Management
  Text A  Organisational Flexibility and Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of Management Support
  Text B  How does Geopolitical Risk Affect Carbon Emissions?: An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Mineral Resources Extraction in OECD Countries                                            
Unit Six  Science and the Public
  Text A  Reassessing the Variables Used to Measure Public Perceptions of Scientists
  Text B  A Smart Pathogen Detector Engineered from Intracellular Hydrogelation of DNA-Decorated Macrophages
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