幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:劉斯陽|責編:樊程旭
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508552040
  • 出版日期:2024/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:384
人民幣:RMB 118 元      售價:



Introduction: Distributive Justice of Our Time
Chapter 1: Social Justice within Nation States: Distributive versus Relational Egalitarianism
  Section 1: Miller』s Conception of Social Justice: Three Principles
  Section 2: How Miller』s Conception of Social Justice Bears on the Debate Between the Distributive and the Relational Egalitarians
  Section 3: The Non-Discriminative and Discriminative Strategies of Rescuing Distributive Egalitarianism
Chapter 2: Social Justice meets Global Justice: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
  Section 1: Miller』s Split-Level Conception of Distributive Justice
  Section 2: Three Reasons for a Split-Level Conception of Distributive Justice
  Section 3: The Critique of the Metric Problem
  Section 4: The Critique of the Dynamic Problem
  Section 5: The Lack of Global Institutions of Citizenship
Chapter 3: Statism versus Cultural Communitarianism: What Should We Talk about When talking about Nation-States?
  Section 1: Miller』s Theory of Nationality
  Section 2: Habermas』s Theory of Law as the Medium between Facticity and Validity
  Section 3: Examining the Three Accounts of Citizens』 Motivation to Support a Legally Institutionalized Communicative Action
  Section 4: Habermas』s Constitutional Patriotism Has to Rely on Miller』s Theory of Nationality
Chapter 4: Nationality in Working: Who Am I? Who Are You? Who Are All of Us Combined?
  Section 1: Miller』s Account of Nation-Building Process
  Section 2: Criticisms of Miller』s Account of the Nation-Building Process
  Section 3:Group Identities and Equal Respect to Co-Deliberators
  Section 4: Supplementing Miller』s Account of Nation-Building with Habermas』s Idea of 「Legally Institutionalized Communicative Action」
Chapter 5: Difficulty in Formulating Distributive Principles: Where Are All the Agreeable Distributive Principles?
  Section 1: Miller』s Approach to Political Theory
  Section 2: The Critiques of Miller』s Approach to Political Theory
  Section 3: The Need for Miller』s Account of a Deliberative Democracy to Incorporate Habermas』s Conception of 「Communicative Action」
Chapter 6: Communicative Action and the Way to Develop Agreeable Distributive Principles: Over and Over Again till We All Agree
  Section 1: Examining the Constitutional Patriots』 Interpretation of 「Communicative Action」
  Section 2: Examining the Liberal Multiculturalists』 Interpretation of 「Communicative Action」
  Section 3: 「Communicative Action」 as a Solution to the Deficiency of Miller』s Approach to Political Theory
Chapter 7: Reconstructing Theories for Global Justice: The Inexorable Concern with Emotions
  Section 1: The Global Justice Debate among the Cosmopolitans, the Statists and the Cultural Communitarians
  Section 2: Debating the Moral Particularities of Nation-States
Chapter 8: Reconstructing the World for Global Justice: The 『I』, 『You』, 『We』 in the Interconnected World of Us
  Section 1: The Two Means of Justification
  Section 2: Debating the Fact-Dependency of Distributive Principles
  Section 3: The Argument of the Further Institutionalization of Global Citizenship
Conclusion: Towards a more Sustainable Future

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