幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:何蓮珍|責編:畢海英
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521356328
  • 出版日期:2024/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:178
人民幣:RMB 59.8 元      售價:

    全書共8個單元,話題涵蓋心理、體育、音樂、醫學、人際關係等多個領域,每個單元包含Set the scene,Learning objective,Reading,Unit Project等板塊。《教師用書》依托學生用書,主要內容包括參考答案、教學建議、語言點解析、語言技能講解、補充活動、音視頻腳本、文章翻譯等,為教師上課提供方便,並幫助教師更有效地利用課堂時間,明確教學步驟、設計備選活動,提高教學效果。


UNIT 1  Threads of the self
  Reading 1  Embracing cognitive diversity
  Reading 2  The story of the self
  Unit project  The story of us
UNIT 2  Beyond the finish line
  Reading 1  The gentlemen's triathlon
  Reading 2  The paradox of modern sport
  Unit project  Planning a sporting event
UNIT 3  The muse within music
  Reading 1  Why do we even listen to new music?
  Reading 2  Jazz up your brains
  Unit project  Making music a better partner in your life
UNIT 4  Shifting social interactions
  Unit overview
  Reading 1  The decline of etiquette and the rise of 「boundaries」
  Reading 2  Has listening become a lost art?
  Unit oroiect  Guidelines for an online learning platform
UNIT 5  Harmony in hearbeats
  Unit overview
  Reading 1  Animal charm
  Reading 2  Meet the world's best commuter
  Unit project  Experiments with animals: Should they be banned?
UNIT 6  Journeys in medicine
  Unit overview
  Reading 1  A surgeon's odyssey: A call to empathy
  Reading 2  Traditional Chinese medicine as an art
  Unit project  Promoting traditional Chinese medicine
UNIT 7  Home and beyond
  Unit overview
  Reading I  City on mute
  Reading 2  Talking buildings
  Unit project  Fostering community bonds through public spaces
UNIT 8  Pathway to progress
  Unit overview
  Reading 1  The other invisible hand
  Reading 2  A new philosophy of progress
  Unit project  「Fast and fearless」vs. 「slow and steady」in scientific development

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