幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:戴木才|責編:蔡莉莉//祝曉涵|譯者:張志歡//鍾萍
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119133539
  • 出版日期:2024/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:215
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Chapter Ⅰ  Chinese Modernization in a Global Context
  A Universal Movement
  Three Waves of Global Modernization Movement
  China's Absence from Three Industrial Revolutions
  The Great Dream of the Chinese Nation Since Modern Times
  A Historical Choice
  Chinese Modernization, an Important Component of Global Modernization
Chapter Ⅱ  A Modernization Path Unprecedented in Human History
  A Self-Reliant Path
  Proposal of Industrialization During New Democratic Revolution
  「Four Modernizations」 in Socialist Construction
  A Modernization of a Chinese Type in the Era of Reform and Opening Up
  Chinese Modernization in New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter Ⅲ  The Originality of Chinese Modernization
  Freeing Minds and Modernizing Thoughts
  Reform and Opening Up, a Game-Changing Move for China
  Economic Development as the Central Task
  Advancing Chinese Modernization Through Socialist Market Economy
  Promoting Modernization Through Scientifc and Technological Innovation
  Core Socialist Values, a Moral and Ethical Guidance
  Top-Level Design and Strategic Planning
  Modernizing China's Governance System and Capacity
  A People-Centered Development Philosophy
Chapter Ⅳ  The Chinese Path to Modernization and Its Global Qualities
  The Development Process: From Traditional to Modern Society
  Modernization Means National Socioeconomic Development
  Universal Meaning of the Global Modernization Movement
  Modernization Does Not Equate to Westernization
  Diversity in the Global Modernization Model
Chapter Ⅴ  The Unique Connotation of Chinese Modernization
  Socialist Modernization
  The Chinese Characteristics of Chinese Modernization
  The Essential Requirements of Chinese Modernization
  The Strategic Plan of Chinese Modernization
  The Major Principles of Chinese Modernization
Chapter Ⅵ  Modernization of an Ancient Oriental Civilization and Its Global Impact
  Modernization of a 5,000-Year-Old Civilization
  Modernization Based on Agriculture, Rural Areas, and Rural People
  An Original Modernization of Pursuing Development
  Modernization with Dual Development Feature
  Modernization That Benefits China and Others
  Chinese Path: A Mature Path for Developing Countries' Modernization
  Greater Capacity for Promoting World Peace and Progress

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