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  • 作者:編者:戚焱|責編:趙興華|總主編:薛家寶
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521354119
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:224
人民幣:RMB 69.9 元      售價:

    《應用英語教程綜合英語4》為高等學校英語專業基礎教材,適用於綜合英語課程。本教材融聽說讀寫為一體,每個單元含有兩篇主題相近、角度不同的選篇。其中,Text A作為精讀課文,配有課前拓展學習任務,課文後面配有課文註釋、辭彙表、重難點講解和練習。練習層層深入,在充分理解選篇內涵和外延的基礎上,配有大量的辭彙、語法和翻譯方面的練習,以夯實學生的語言基本功。此外,還有專門的口語和寫作板塊,用以加強學生的口頭和筆頭表達能力。Text B作為泛讀選篇,目的在於提高學生的自主學習能力和思辨能力,通過設置適合自主學習的題目,加強學生的自我學習能力。此外,還配有課文主題欣賞和寫作分析的板塊,以提高學生的下文本分析能力和寫作水平。


UNIT 1 Artificial Intelligence P2
  Text A DevelopingYour HumanTopch
  Text B Are There Robot—Proof Jobs?
UNIT 2 Sharing Economy P20
  Text A Cities Power the Sharing Economy
  Text B Shared Approaches toTransport in the U.K.
UNIT 3 Gender P38
  TextA The Birthmark
  Text B Women's Long Journey to Space
UNIT 4 Language and Life P56
  TextA What DoWe Use Language For7
  Text B Language and Culture
UNIT 5 Ecology and Humanity P74
  Text A Apologia
  Text B And No Birds Sing
UNIT  6 MedicaI Science P92
  Text A TuYouyou:Bringer ofTraditional Chinese Medicine to the World
  Text B Penicillin:Wonder Drug ofWorld War II
UNIT 7 Civilization Pl10
  TextA The Silk Road
  Text B Marco Polo's Effects on the East and theWest
UNIT 8 Art and Technology P128
  Text A The Evolution of VRTechnologies in the Art Market: From the Victorian Era to the Present Day
  Text B Art in the Digital Age
UNIT 9 Information Security P146
  Text A What Lies Beneath:The Deep Web
  Text B "She Stole My Life!": A CautionaryTrueTale About IdentityTheft
UNIT 10 Fantasy and Science Fiction P166
  Text A Harry Potter, More than Magic
  Text B Liu Cixin: Has Chinese Sci-Fi Ushered in a Boom Age?
UNIT 11 Health Care P186
  Text A Could Social Media and DietTrends Be Contributing to a Little-Known Eating Disorder?
  Text B TheWar on Allergies
UNIT12 A Look into the Future P206
  Text A How Science-Fiction Authors Are ShapingYour Future
  Text B I, Robot

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