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  • 作者:編者:翁哲慧//葛丹丹//王寶玲|責編:張艷
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122461391
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:233
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Part A  Basic Understanding of Chemistry
  Unit 1  Overview of Chemistry
    1.1  What is Chemistry
    1.2  History of Chemistry
    1.3  Chemistry in the Twenty-first Century
    1.4  Chemists and Chemical Engineers
    1.5  Branches of Chemistry
    1.6  Chemical Reactions
    1.7  Types of Chemical Reactions
    1.8  The Study of Chemistry
    1.9  Scientific Method
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 2  Working in the Lab
    2.1  Safety in the Lab
    2.2  Disposal of Chemical Waste
    2.3  How to Deal with Bad Lab Partners?
    2.4  The Most Common Injuries in a Chemistry Lab
    2.5  The Lab Notebook for Chemistry Lab Report
    2.6  Basic Laboratory Apparatus and Manipulation
      2.6.1  Apparatus
      2.6.2  Manipulation
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
Part B  Introduction to Fundamentals of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  Unit 3  Basic Information of Inorganic Chemistry
    3.1  Overview
    3.2  Four Types of Inorganic Chemical Reactions
    3.3  The Important Inorganic Elements—Actinide
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 4  Rules of Inorganic Nomenclature
    4.1  Oxidation Number
    4.2  Coordination Number
    4.3  Use of Multiplicative Prefixes, Enclosing Marks, Numbers, and Letters
      4.3.1  Multiplicative Prefixes
      4.3.2  Enclosing Marks
      4.3.3  Numbers
      4.3.4  Italic Letters
    4.4  Elements
    4.5  Formulae and Names of Compounds in General
    4.6  Names for Ions and Radicals
    4.7  Inorganic Acids
      4.7.1  Oxoacid
      4.7.2  Acid Anions
      4.7.3  Binary Hydrogen Compounds (Binary Acid)
    4.8  Salts

      4.8.1  Simple Salts
      4.8.2  Salts Containing Acid Hydrogen
      4.8.3  Hydrated Salts
    4.9  Coordination Compounds
      4.9.1  Indication of Oxidation Number and Proportion of Constituents
      4.9.2  The Names of Anionic Ligands, whether Inorganic or Organic, End in
      4.9.3  Alternative Modes of Linkage of Some Ligands
      4.9.4  Complexes with Unsaturated Molecules or Groups
      4.9.5  Compounds with Bridging Atoms or Groups
      4.9.6  Di- and Polynuclear Compounds without Bridging Groups; Direct Linkage between Coordination Centers
      4.9.7  Homoatomic Aggregates
    4.10  Addition Compounds
    4.11  Prefixes or Affixes Used in Inorganic Nomenclature
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 5  A Short Introduction to Organic Chemistry
    5.1  Overview
    5.2  Types of Organic Chemical Reactions
    5.3  Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry
      5.3.1  Acetoacetic-Ester Condensation Reaction
      5.3.2  Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis
      5.3.3  Acyloin Condensation
      5.3.4  Alder-Ene Reaction or Ene Reaction
      5.3.5  Aldol Reaction or Aldol Addition
      5.3.6  Aldol Condensation Reaction
      5.3.7  Appel Reaction
      5.3.8  Arbuzov Reaction or Michaelis-Arbuzov Reaction
      5.3.9  Arndt-Eistert Synthesis Reaction
      5.3.10  Azo Coupling Reaction
      5.3.11  Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation Reactions
      5.3.12  Baker-Venkataraman Rearrangement
      5.3.13  Balz-Schiemann Reaction
      5.3.14  Bamford-Stevens Reaction
      5.3.15  Barton Decarboxylation
      5.3.16  Barton Deoxygenation Reaction: Barton-McCombie Reaction
      5.3.17  Baylis-Hillman Reaction
      5.3.18  Beckmann Rearrangement Reaction
      5.3.19  Benzilic Acid Rearrangement
      5.3.20  Benzoin Condensation Reaction
      5.3.21  Bergman Cycloaromatization—Bergman Cyclization
      5.3.22  Bestmann-Ohira Reagent Reaction
      5.3.23  Biginelli Reaction
      5.3.24  Birch Reduction Reaction
      5.3.25  Bicschler-Napieralski Reaction—Bicschler-Napieralski Cyclization
      5.3.26  Blaise Reaction
      5.3.27  Blanc
      5.3.31  Brown Hydroboration
      5.3.32  Bucherer-Bergs Reaction
      5.3.33  Buchwald-Hartwig Cross Coupling Reaction
      5.3.34  Cadiot-Chodkiewicz Coupling Reaction
      5.3.35  Cannizzaro Reaction
      5.3.36  Chan-Lam Coupling Reaction
      5.3.37  Crossed Cannizzaro Reaction
      5.3.38  Friedel-Crafts Reaction
      5.3.39  Huisgen Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reaction
      5.3.40  Itsuno-Corey Reduction—Corey-Bakshi-Shibata Reduction
      5.3.41  Seyferth-Gilbert Homologation Reaction
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 6  Rules of Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry
    6.1  Hydrocarbons
      6.1.1  Alkanes
      6.1.2  Alkenes
      6.1.3  Alkynes
    6.2  Heteroatom Functional Groups
      6.2.1  Alcohols, Phenol, and Thiols
      6.2.2  Ethers
      6.2.3  Amines
      6.2.4  Organohalogen Compounds
      6.2.5  Aldehydes and Ketones
      6.2.6  Carboxylic Acid
      6.2.7  Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 7  Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
    7.1  Overview
    7.2  The Scope of Analytical Chemistry
    7.3  The Functions and Patterns of Analytical Chemistry
      7.3.1  Functions of Analytical Chemistry
      7.3.2  General Patterns of Analytical Chemistry
    7.4  Analytical Methods
      7.4.1  Types of Analytical Methods
      7.4.2  Trends in Analytical Methods and Procedures
    7.5  Some Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry
      7.5.1  High Performance Liquid Chromatography
      7.5.2  High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis
      7.5.3  Infrared Spectrophotometry
      7.5.4  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
      7.5.5  Atomic Absorption
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 8  A Map of Physical Chemistry
    8.1  Overview

      8.1.1  What Is Physical Chemistry
      8.1.2  Theories of Physical Chemistry
      8.1.3  What Do Physical Chemists Do
      8.1.4  Perspective of Physical Chemistry
    8.2  Briefing on Thermodynamics
    8.3  Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
    8.4  Introduction to Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetic Theory
      8.4.1  Equilibrium
      8.4.2  Chemical Kinetics
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 9  Chemical Engineering
    9.1  Overview
    9.2  The Difference between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
    9.3  Future Opportunities in Chemical Engineering
    9.4  Introduction to Basic Chemical Engineering Concepts
      9.4.1  Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers
      9.4.2  The Material Balance and the Energy Balance
      9.4.3  The Ideal Contact and the Rates of an Operation
      9.4.4  Chemical Engineering Process Related to Solids
      9.4.5  Fluidization
      9.4.6  Supercritical Fluids and Supercritical Fluid Extraction
      9.4.7  Extraction and Liquid-Liquid Extraction
      9.4.8  Evaporation and Crystallization
      9.4.9  Dust Removal and Centrifugal Settling Process
      9.4.10  Batch and Continuous Process
      9.4.11  Chemical Manufacturing Process
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
Part C  English for Basic Academic Communication
  Unit 10  International Conference
    10.1  An Overview of Academic Communication
    10.2  International Conference
      10.2.1  Sources for Conference Information
      10.2.2  Conference Organizers and Session Modes
      10.2.3  Papers, Abstracts, Posters and Proposals Submitted to Conference
      10.2.4  Financial Assistance for Attending Meetings
      10.2.5  Rehearsal, Attendance and Culture Considerations
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  Unit 11  Letters for Academic Communication
    11.1  Introduction to Letter Writing
      11.1.1  Basic Principles for Letter Writing
      11.1.2  Styles of Punctuation and Format
      11.1.3  Necessary Parts of a Formal Letter
      11.1.4  Optional Parts of a Letter
      11.1.5  Stationery and Envelope

      11.1.6  Sample letter with Common Formats
    11.2  Introduction to Email Writing
      11.2.1  Email Format
      11.2.2  Subject Heading
      11.2.3  Salutation
      11.2.4  The Body
      11.2.5  Previous Message and Quotes
      11.2.6  Closing
      11.2.7  Signature
      11.2.8  File Attachments
      11.2.9  Reread and Save before Clicking the 「Send」 Button
    11.3  Examples of Letters in Different Situations
      11.3.1  Examples of Letters Relating to Conference
      11.3.2  Letters for Academic Visits and Cooperation
      11.3.3  Letters for Research Positions
    New Words and Expressions
    Trivial—Last but not the Least
  A1  IUPAC Names and Symbols of Elements
  A2  General Stems and Affixes
  A3  Common English Terms Used in the Laboratory

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