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  • 作者:編者:張紹鵬//程水源|責編:李晶晶|譯者:沈春華
  • 出版社:武漢大學
  • ISBN:9787307245440
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:261
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



1 Introduction
  1.1  Forms and Basic Functions of Selenium
  1.2  History of Molecular Biology
  1.3  The Development of Selenium Molecular Biology
  1.4  Development Trend and Prospect of Selenium Molecular Biology
  1.5  References
2 The Concept and Molecular Structure of Gene
  2.1  Conceptual Development of Gene
  2.2  Molecular Structure of DNA
    2.2.1  Basic Structure of Nucleic Acid
    2.2.2  DNA Double Helix Model
    2.2.3  Denaturation and Renaturation of DNA
  2.3  Spatial Structure of DNA
    2.3.1  Primary Structure of DNA
    2.3.2  Secondary Structure of DNA
    2.3.3  Tertiary Structure of DNA
  2.4  Different Gene Types
    2.4.1  Overlapping Genes
    2.4.2  Repetitive Genes
    2.4.3  Spacer Genes
    2.4.4  Jumping Genes
    2.4.5  Pseudogenes
  2.5  References
3 Replication of Gene
  3.1  Basic Characteristics of DNA Replication
    3.1.1  Replication Origin and Replication Terminus
    3.1.2  Replicon and Replication Fork
    3.1.3  Replication Rate
  3.2  Semi-conservative Replication of DNA
  3.3  Direction of DNA Replication
  3.4  Semi-discontinuous Replication of DNA
  3.5  Initiation of DNA Replication
  3.6  Transcription Activation of DNA Replicatin
    3.6.1  Primers for DNA Replication
    3.6.2  Transcriptional Activation of Replicatin
  3.7  Modes of DNA Replication
  3.8  Structure of the DNA Replisome
  3.9  Shortening During Linear DNA Replication
  3.10  DNA Replication in Prokaryotes
    3.10.1  Unwinding and Initiation of the DNA Double Helix
    3.10.2  Elongation of DNA Replicatin
    3.10.3  Termination of DNA Replicatin
    3.10.4  DNA Polymerase
  3.11  DNA Replication in Eukaryotes
  3.12  Regulation of DNA Replicatin
  3.13  References
4 Gene Expression
  4.1  Transcription of RNA
    4.1.1  Initiation of Transcription
    4.1.2  Elongation of Transcription

    4.1.3  Termination of Transcriptin
    4.1.4  Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic TranscriDtin PrOducts
    4.1.5  Processing of RNA
  4.2  Translation of Protein
    4.2.1  Transfer RNA(tRNA)
    4.2.2  Ribosomal RNA(rRNA)
    4.2.3  Genetic Code
    4.2.4  Initiation of Protein Translation
    4.2.5  Elongation of Protein Translation
    4.2.6  Termination of Protein Translation
  4.3  References
5 Regulation of Gene Expression
  5.1  Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes
    5.1.1  Lactose Operon
    5.1.2  Tryptophan Operon
  5.2  Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
    5.2.1  Regulation of Gene Expression at the Chromatin Level
    5.2.2  Regulation of Gene Expression at the Transcriptional Level
    5.2.3  Regulation of Gene Expression at the Post-transcriptional Level
    5.2.4  Regulation of Gene Expression at the Translational Level
    5.2.5  Regulation of Gene Expression at Post—translational Level
  5.3  References
6 Molecular Mechanisms of Selenoprotein Synthesis
  6.1  Selenocysteine tRNA
  6.2  Recoding of Termination Codons
  6.3  SECIS Elements,SECIS—binding Proteins,and Related Factors
  6.4  Biosynthesis and Functions of Prokaryotic Selenoproteins
    6.4.1  Biosynthesis of Selenocysteine in E.coli
    6.4.2  Selenoprotein Biosynthesis in Archaea
    6.4.3  Representative Selenoproteins in Prokaryotes
  6.5  Biosynthesis and Functions of Eukaryotic Selenopromins
    6.5.1  The Process of Selenocysteine Synthesis
    6.5.2  Phosphoserine—tRNA Kinase
    6.5.3  Selenophosphate Synthase
    6.5.4  Selenocysteine Synthetase
    6.5.5  Selenocysteine-specific tRNA Gene
  6.6  In Vitro Activity of Selenocysteine
  6.7  Regulatory Factors of Selenoprotein Expressin
    6.7.1  Effects of Dietary Selenium Content
    6.7.2  Effects of Ribosomes
    6.7.3  Effects of Transcription Factors
  6.8  References
7  Molecular Biomarkers of Selenium Cntent
  7.1  Selenium Regulation of Selenoprotein Transcripts in Rats
  7.2  Selenium Regulation of Selenoprotein Transcripts in Mice
  7.3  Selenium Regulation of Selenoprotein Transcripts in Turkevs
  7.4  Selenium Regulation of Selenoprotein Transcripts in Chicks
  7.5  Selenium Regulation of Selenoprotein Transcripts in C.Plegans
  7.6  Research Progress on Selenoprotein Transcripts
  7.7  Research Progress on Non-selenoprotein Transcripts under Different Selenium Effect Conditions

  7.8  Research Progress on Non-coding RNAs under Different Selenium Eflfect Conditions
  7.9  References
8  Relationship Between Selenoprotein Genes and Human Health
  8.1  Relationship Between Glutathione Peroxidases aIld HumaIl Healm
    8.1.1  Glutathione Peroxidases Family
    8.1.2  Glutathione Peroxidase 1(GPxl)
    8.1.3  Over expression Model of GPxl Gene
    8.1.4  Knock-out Model of the GPxl Gene
    8.1.5  Relationship Between the GPxl Gene a11d HumaIl Healch
    8.1.6  Glutathione Peroxidase 4(GPx4)
  8.2  Relationship Between Thioredoxin Reductase aIld HumaIl Health
  8.4  Relationship Between Selenoprotein S and Human Health
  8.5  Relationship Between Selenoprotein P and Human Health
  8.6  Relationship Between Selenoprotein K and Human Health
  8.7  Relationship Between Selenoprotein T and Human Health
  8.8  Relationship Between Selenoprotein W and Human Health
  8.9  Relationship Between Selenoprotein Deiodinase and Human Health
  8.10  References
9 Mutations in Selenoprotein Synthesis Genes
  9.1  Types of Gene Mutations
  9.2  Characteristics of Gene Mutations
  9.3  Mechanisms and Influencing Factors of Gene Mutations
    9.3.1  Mutations in DNA Replication
    9.3.2  Mutations Caused by Other Factors
    9.3.3  Repair of Mutations
  9.4  Mutations in Selenoprotein Synthesis Genes
    9.4.1  Mutations in the SBP2 Gene
    9.4.2  Mutatjons in the TRU-TCA1-1 Gene
    9.4.3  Mutations in the SEPSECS Gene
  9.5  References
10  Genes Related to Selenium Metabolism and Tolerance in Plants
  10.1  Physiological Roles of Selenium in Plants
    10.1.1  Improvement of Plant Resistance
    10.1.2  Involvement in Plant Metabolism
    10.1.3  Influences on Crop Quality
  10.2  Selenium Content in Plants and Influencing Factors
    10.2.1  Plant Species
    10.2.2  Soil Conditions
  10.3  Selenium Uptake and Metabolism by Plants
    10.3.1  Selenium Uptake and Transport by Plants
    10.3.3  Assimilation and Metabolism of Plant Selenium
  10.4  Current Research on Genes Related to Plant Selenium Metabolism
    10.4.1  ATP Sulfatase Gene (APS)
    10.4.2  Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx)
    10.4.3  Selenocysteine Methyltransferase (SMT)
    10.4.4  Selenocysteine Lyase (SL)
  10.5  Factors Affecting the Expression of Selenium Metabolism-Related Genes
  10.6  Research Overview on Selenium Enrichment and Tolerance in Selenium Hyperaccumulator Plants
    10.6.1  Se-hyperaccumulation Plants and Selenium Metabolism
    10.6.2  Mechanisms of Selenium Tolerance in Se-hyperaccumulator Plants

  10.7  Application of Omics Analysis Method in the Study of Selenium Tolerance Mechanism in Plants
    10.7.1  Application of Transcriptomics Method in the Study of Selenium Tolerance Mechanism
    10.7.2  Application of Proteomic Method in the Study of Selenium Tolerance Mechanism
    10.7.3  Application of Metabolomics Method in the Study of Selenium ToleranceMechanism
  10.8  References

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