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  • 作者:馮契//陳衛平|責編:楊柳青|譯者:童世駿
  • 出版社:三聯書店
  • ISBN:9787108078520
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:680
人民幣:RMB 198 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  The Methodology for the Study of the History of Philosophy
  1.2  Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Philosophy
  1.3  The Struggles Between "Past and Present" and Between "China and the West" and the Revolution in Modern Chinese Philosophy
Part Ⅰ  The Pre-Qin Period (CA. 1046- 256 BCE)
  Chapter 2  The Rise of Confucianism, Mohism, Daoism, and Legalism
    2.1  Confucius' Doctrine of the Unity of Humanity and Knowledge
    2.2  Mozi and the Conflict Between Confucianism and Mohism -- The Antagonism Between Empiricism and Apriorism
    2.3  The Laozi: "The Movement of Dao Consists in Reversion" -- The Presentation of the Dialectical Principle of Negation
    2.4  Sunzi Bingfa ( Sunzi' s Art of War) and the Rise of the Legalist
  Chapter 3  The High Tide of Contention Among the "Hundred Schools of Thought"
    3.1  The Guanzi: The Confluence of Legalism and Doctrines of the Huang-Lao School
    3.2  The Conflict Between Confucian and Legalist Schools and Mencius' Doctrine of the Goodness of Human Nature
    3.3  Zhuangzi: "Where All Things Are Equal, How Can One Be Long and Another Short?" -- Relativism Against Dogmatism
    3.4  The Logicians' Debates on "Hardness and Whiteness" and on "Similarity and Difference" -- A Conflict Between Relativism and Absolutism
    3.5  Later Mohist Views on the Relationship Between Names and Actualities and on Nature
  Chapter 4  The Summing-Up Stage of Pre-Qin Philosophy
    4.1  Xunzi's Summation of the Debates over "Heaven and Humankind" and over "Names and Actualities" -- The Union of Naive Materialism and Naive Dialectics
    4.2  Han Fei: "Incompatible Things Cannot Coexist"
    4.3  The Yi Zhuan: "The Interaction of Yin and Yang Constitutes the Dao" -- The Establishment of the Naive Principle of the Unity of Opposites
   4.4  The Development of the Doctrine of the Yin-Yang and Five Agents -- The Application of the Comparative Method of Dialectical Logic to the Sciences
  Part Ⅰ  A Brief Summary
Part Ⅱ  From the Qin-Han to the Qing Dynasty
  Chapter 5  The Supremacy of Confucianism and Criticisms of Confucian Theology
    5.1  Dong Zhongshu and the Huainanzi -- The Antagonism Between the Teleological and Mechanistic Doctrines of Huo Shi
    5.2  Wang Chong's Materialistic Doctrine of Mo Wei in Opposition to the Doctrine of Huo Shi
  Chapter 6  Mysterious Learning and the Coexistence of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism
    6.1  Wang Bi's Doctrine of "Valuing Non-being" and Pei Wei's "On the Importance of Being"
    6.2  Ji Kang's Challenge to Fatalism
    6.3  The Commentary on the Zhuangzi: "When There Is Being, There Is Non-being" -- The Doctrine of "Self-transformation" Against Metaphysical Ontology
    6.4  Ge Hong's Daoist Philosophy and Seng Zhao's Buddhism Expounded in Terms of Mysterious Learning
    6.5  Fan Zhen's Summing-Up of the Debate over Body and Soul -- The Application of the Materi
  Chapter 8  The Prevalence of Neo-Confucianism and the Criticisms of Neo-Confucianism
    8.1  Zhou Dunyi, Shao Yong, and the Cheng Brothers: Founders of Orthodox Neo-Confucianism
    8.2  Zhang Zai's Summing-Up of the Debate over "Being and Non-being (Movement and Tranquility)" -- An Exposition of the Principle of the Unity of Opposites in Terms of Qi Monism
    8.3  Zhu Xi's System of Principle Monism
    8.4  The "Jing Gong New Learning" and the "Utilitarian Learning" as Opposed to the Chengs and Zhu Xi's  Doctrine of Principle
    8.5  Wang Shouren's System of Mind Monism
    8.6  Li Zhi's "Heretical" Thoughts
  Chapter 9  The Summing-Up Stage of Ancient Chinese Philosophy
    9.1  Wang Fuzhi's Summary of the Debate over "Principle and Vital Force (The Dao and Concrete Things)" and "Mind and Matter/Things (Knowledge and Action)" -- A System of Qi Monism Unifying Naive Materialism and Naive Dialectics
    9.2  The Enlightenment Thought and Historicist Methodology of Huang Zongxi
    9.3  Gu Yanwu's "Practical Learning of Cultivating Oneself and Governing Others"
    9.4  Yan Yuan's Discussion of "Practice" and Dai Zhen's Discussion of "Knowledge"
  Part Ⅱ  A Brief Summary
Part Ⅲ  Modern Period
  Chapter 10  The Forerunners of Modern Chinese Philosophy
    10.1  Gong Zizhen" "The Dominator of the Masses Is Called the ' Self' " -- The Beginning of Modern Humanism
    10.2  Wei Yuan: "Basing My Ideas on Things" and "Knowing Something after Being Involved in Something, -- The Beginning of the Debate over the Relation Between Mind and Matter/Things (Knowledge and Action) in Modem Times
  Chapter 11  The Stage of Evolutionism in the Philosophical Revolution
    11.1  Kang Youwei: An Advocate of Historical Evolutionism
    11.2  Tan Sitong: The "Study of Humanity" Aimed at Breaking the Chains of Bondage
    11.3  Yan Fu's "Doctrine of Natural Evolution" and Empiricism
    11.4  Liang Qichao on the Freedom of the "Self" and the Evolution of the "Group"
    11.5  Zhang Taiyan: "Competition Produces Intelligence and Revolution Develops People's Knowledge" -- A Rudimentary Version of the Viewpoint of Social Practice
    11.6  Wang Guowei: The Believability Versus the Lovability of Philosophical Theories
    11.7  Sun Yat-Sen's Evolutionism and His Doctrine of the Relation Between Knowledge and Action
  Chapter 12  The Philosophical Revolution Enters the Stage of Materialist Dialectics
    12.1  Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu: From Evolutionism to Historical Materialism
    12.2  Hu Shi's "Experimentalism" and Liang Shuming's Intuitionism
    12.3  The Debate over Science Versus Metaphysics and Qu Qiubai's Historical Determinism
    12.4  Lu Xun on National Characteristics and His Aesthetic Ideas
  Chapter 13  The Sinicization of Marxism and the Contributions Made by Professional Philosophers
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