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  • 作者:編者:唐一平|責編:張天運
  • 出版社:電子工業
  • ISBN:9787121485619
  • 出版日期:2024/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:242
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Unit 1  Engineering Materials (Ⅰ)
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Ferrous Metals and Alloys
  1.3  Nonferrous Metals and Alloys
Unit 2  Engineering Materials (Ⅱ)
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Ceramics
  2.3  Polymers
  2.4  Composite Materials
  2.5  Metamaterials
Unit 3  Casting
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Sand Casting
  3.3  Investment Casting
  3.4  Expendable-pattern Casting
  3.5  Centrifugal Casting
  3.6  Inspection of Casting
Unit 4  Forging and Die
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Open-die Forging
  4.3  Impression-die and Closed-die Forging
  4.4  Precision Forging
  4.5  Die Manufacturing Methods
Unit 5  Conventional Machining Processes
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Turning and Lathe
  5.3  Milling and Milling Machine
  5.4  Drilling and Drill Press
Unit 6  Nontraditional Machining Processes
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)
  6.3  Chemical Machining (CM)
  6.4  Electrochemical Machining (ECM)
  6.5  Laser Beam Machining (LBM)
  6.6  Ultrasonic Machining (USM)
Unit 7  High Speed Cutting (HSC)
  7.1  Definition
  7.2  Introduction to High Speed Cutting

  7.3  High Speed Cutting Techniques
  7.4  HSC Machines
Unit 8  Tolerances and Fits
  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  Tolerances
  8.3  Fits
  8.4  ISO System of Limits and Fits
Unit 9  Location and Fixtures
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Advantages of Jigs and Fixtures
  9.3  Location of Workpiece
  9.4  Clamping of Workpiece
  9.5  Classes of Fixtures
Unit 10  Gear Transmission
  10.1  Introduction
  10.2  Spur Gears
  10.3  Helical Gears
  10.4  Bevel Gears
  10.5  Worm Gearing
  10.6  Gear Geometry
Unit 11  Direct Drive Technology
  11.1  Introduction
  11.2  Direct-drive Linear (DDL) Motion
  11.3  Direct-drive Rotary (DDR) Motors Streamline Machine Design
  11.4  Motorized Spindle
Unit 12  Numerical Control
  12.1  Introduction
  12.2  NC and CNC
  12.3  Construction of CNC Machines
  12.4  DNC (Distributed Numerical Control) System
Unit 13  CNC Machining Centers
  13.1  Introduction
  13.2  The Concept of Machining Centers
  13.3  Types of Machining Centers
  13.4  Components of a Machining Center
  13.5  Characteristics and Capabilities of Machining Centers

Unit 14  Automatic Control
  14.1  Introduction
  14.2  Open-loop Control and Closed-loop Control
  14.3  Applications of Automatic Control
  14.4  Artificial Intelligence in Mechatronics
Unit 15  CAD/CAM
  15.1  Introduction
  15.2  Geometric Modeling
  15.3  CAD/CAM
  15.4  Computer-aided Process Planning
Unit 16  Transducers
  16.1  Introduction
  16.2  Transducer Elements
  16.3  Analog and Digital Transducers
  16.4  Use of Sensors in Programmable Automation
  16.5  Some Terms
Unit 17  Robots
  17.1  Introduction
  17.2  Definition of Robot
  17.3  Components of a Robot System
  17.4  Industrial Robots
  17.5  Medical Robots
  17.6  Underwater Robots
  17.7  Walking Robots
  17.8  Humanoid Robots
  17.9  Intelligent Robots
Unit 18  Additive Manufacturing
  18.1  Introduction
  18.2  AM Processes and Materials
  18.3  Applications of Additive Manufacturing
  18.4  Conclusions
Unit 19  New Energy
  19.1  Introduction
  19.2  Classification of Energy Resources
  19.3  New Energy
  19.4  Solar Energy
  19.5  Nuclear Energy
  19.6  Ocean Energy
  19.7  Wind Energy
  19.8  Biomass Energy (Aka Bioenergy)

  19.9  Geothermal Energy
  19.10  Hydrogen Energy
  19.11  Development Direction of New Energy Vehicles
Unit 20  Development of Modern Manufacturing
  20.1  Introduction
  20.2  Mechanization
  20.3  Programmable Automation
  20.4  Computer-aided Manufacturing
  20.5  Flexibility
  20.6  Remanufacturing
Unit 21  IT and Manufacturing
  21.1  Introduction
  21.2  Computer-integrated Manufacturing
  21.3  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
  21.4  Computer-aided System (CAx)
Unit 22  Manufacturing and Roles of Engineers
  22.1  Manufacturing
  22.2  Roles of Engineers
附錄A  科技論文英文摘要寫作要點
  A.1  論文標題
  A.2  摘要寫作注意事項
  A.3  典型常用語句實例
  A.4  漢譯英範文(參考)
附錄B  麻省理工學院簡介
  B.1  原文
  B.2  參考譯文
附錄C  機床說明書翻譯樣本
附錄D  校園常用辭彙
附錄E  部分參考譯文
第2單元  工程材料(Ⅱ)
第3單元  鑄造
第4單元  鍛造與模具
第6單元  特種加工工藝
第20單元  現代製造技術的發展
第21單元  信息技術與製造業

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