幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:晏玉屏|責編:鄧建梅
  • 出版社:中國水利水電
  • ISBN:9787522619736
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:179
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  Unit 1  What is Literature?
  Unit 2  Genres of Literature
  Unit 3  Literature and Moral Education
Chapter 2  Fiction
  Unit 1  General Introduction to Fiction
  Unit 2  Story and Plot: Joseph Conrad' s The Lagoon
    2.1  Elements of Fiction: Story and Plot
    2.2  Joseph Conrad and His Literary Life
    2.3  Introduction to The Lagoon
    2.4  Selected Readings
    2.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    2.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 3  Setting and Theme: Herman Melville and his Moby Dick
    3.1  Elements of Fiction: Setting and Theme
    3.2  Herman Melville and His Literary Life
    3.3  Introduction to Moby Dick
    3.4  Selected Readings
    3.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    3.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 4  Characters and Characterization: William Somerset Maugham and his The Moon and Six Pence
    4.1  Elements of Fiction: Characters and Characterization
    4.2  William Somerset Maugham and His Literary Life
    4.3  Introduction to The Moon and Sixpence
    4.4  Selected Readings
    4.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    4.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 5  Narrator and Point of View: Alice Walker's Everyday Use for Your Grandmama
    5.1  Elements of Fiction: Narrator and Point of View
    5.2  Alice Walker and Her Literary Life
    5.3  Introduction to Everyday Use for Your Grandmama
    5.4  Selected Readings
    5.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    5.6  Supplementary Reading
Chapter 3  Poetry
  Unit 1  General Introduction to Poetry
  Unit 2  Types of Poetry: Poetic Writings in Renaissance
    2.1  Types of Poetry
    2.2  Edmund Spencer and William Shakespeare
    2.3  Introduction to the Selected Poems
    2.4  Selected Readings
    2.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    2.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 3  Elements in Poetry: Poetic Writings of Romanticism
    3.1  Elements in poetry
    3.2  William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman
    3.3  Introduction to the Selected Poems
    3.4  Selected Readings
    3.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings

    3.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 4  Poetic Devices in Poetry: Poetic Writings of Modernism
    4.1  Poetic Devices in Poetry
    4.2  T.S. Eliot
    4.3  Introduction to The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
    4.4  Selected Readings
    4.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    4.6  Supplementary Reading
Chapter 4  Drama
  Unit 1  General Introduction to Drama
    1.1  The Origin of Drama
    1.2  The Elements of Drama
  Unit 2  Conflict in Drama: King Lear
    2.1  Elements of Drama: Conflict
    2.2  William Shakespeare and His Achievements
    2.3  The Plots of the Drama
    2.4  Selected Readings
    2.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    2.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 3  Dialogue in Drama: Pygmalion
    3.1  Elements of Drama: Dialogue
    3.2  George Bernard Shaw and His Achievements
    3.3  The Plots of the Drama
    3.4  Selected Readings
    3.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    3.6  Supplementary Reading
  Unit 4  Theme in Drama: The Glass Menagerie
    4.1  Elements of Drama: Theme
    4.2  Tennessee Williams and His Achievements
    4.3  The Plots of the Drama
    4.4  Selected Readings
    4.5  Appreciation of Selected Readings
    4.6  Supplementary Reading

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