幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:趙昆鵬|責編:陸雅娟
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308244480
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:193
人民幣:RMB 50 元      售價:

    本書主要介紹通過利用澳洲當地在校學生日常用英語所進行的社會語言學活動作為具有價值的教學內容,以及在澳洲當地的教育環境內如何激活這些學生從學校社區生活中所積累的知識庫以發展他們所偏愛和適合的教學方法,從而構建具有內容可學性和文化適切性的澳洲本土化和學生為中心的中文課程。研究結果表明,當地學生的英語和漢語之間的超語能力正在發展並變得強大, 其主要是得益於他們參與到了那些語境化的學習實踐過程中。這樣不僅可以使中文對於他們變得可學, 而且可以使所學到的具體辭彙成為他們今後更廣泛的中文學習基礎,進而提高澳洲當地學生對於中文的學習興趣與日常的使用頻率,並且也能滿足他們學習中文上的實際需求。


CHAPTER 1  Introduction
  1.1  The ROSETE Program
  1.2  Research Problems
  1.3  Research Focus
  1.4  Case Study as the Research Approach
    1.4.1  Site Selection
    1.4.2  Participant Recruitment
    1.4.3  Data Collection
  1.5  Structure of Argurnent
CHAPTER 2  Curriculum Construction for Chinese Language Teaching and Learning
  2.1  Concems Occurring in the Process of Curriculum Construction
  2.2  Repositioning Content Sources for Curriculum Construction
  2.3  Problems in the Australian Curriculum for Chinese Teaching and Learning
  2.4  Conclusion
CHAPTER 3  Sociolinguistic Activities-Based Approach to Curriculum Construction for Chinese Language Teaching and Learning
  3.1  Sociolinguistics for Language Research
  3.2  Sociolinguistic Activities for Foreign/Second Language Learning
  3.3  Conclusion
CHAPTER 4  Student-Centred Pedagogy as a 'Remedy' for Knowing Australian Local School Students
CHAPTER 5  Language as a Local Practice
  5.1  Shifting from Language to Languaging and Translanguaging
  5.2  Situated Learning
  5.3  Social Practices for Languaging and Translanguaging
CHAPTER 6  Constructing a Translanguaging Space
  6.1  Negotiable Structure for Mobilising Students' Agency
  6.2  Community of Practice for Knowledge Co-Construction
CHAPTER 7  Deployment of Students' Funds of Knowledge
  7.1  The Concept of Funds of Knowledge
  7.2  Practical Applications of Funds of Knowledge in Education Context
  7.3  Prior Knowledge
  7.4  Existing Knowledge
  7.5  Powerful Knowledge
  7.6  Conclusion
CHAPTER 8  What to Teach? -- Generating Loealised Chinese Learning Content from Students' Daily Recurring Sociolinguistic Activities
  8.1  Knowing Local Students' Daily Recurring Sociolinguistic Activities in School-Based Community
    8.1.1  Gender-Neutral Sports
    8.1.2  Birthday Celebration
    8.1.3  Mathematical Calculations
    8.1.4  Canteen Shopping
    8.1.5  Chess
  8.2  Eliciting Learnable Chinese Teaching Content from Students』Daily
    Recurring Sociolinguistic Activities
    8.2.1  Spots Activities-Based Learning Content
    8.2.2  Celebratory Song—Based Learning Content
    8.2.3  Mathematical Calculation-Based Learning Content
    8.2.4  Canteen Shopping—Based Learning Content
    8.2.5  Chess Gaming-Based Leaming Content
  8.3  Encounters of 'liangticaiyi'(量體裁衣),'jiudiqucai'(就地取材)and 'zhurenweng yishi'(主人翁意識)in the process of generating the localised learning content
  8.4  Conclusion
CHAPTER 9 How to Teach?一Utilizing Multidimensional Student-Centered Instruction Strategies to Mobilise Students』Funds of Knowledge

  9.1  Xiwenlejian-喜聞樂見activities
    9.1.1  Teaching Linguistic Terms Identified from Playing Handball
    9.1.2  Teaching Linguistic Terms Identified from Playing Ping Pong
    9.1.3  Teaching Linguistic Terms Identified from Playing Basketball
  9.2  Langlangshangkou-朗朗上口melody
  9.3  Ranghuiguantong-融會貫通
  9.4  Huishenghuise-繪聲繪色
  9.5  Wujingiyong-物盡「棋」(其)用,renjinqcai-人盡「棋」(其)才
  9.6  Students' Funds of Knowledge-Oriented Instruction Strategies
  9 7  Conclusion
CHAPTER 10  Students' Sociolinguistic Activities-Based and Funds of Knowledge-Oriented Curriculum Construction for Making Chinese Learnable
  10.1  Conceptualising Students' Sociolinguistic Activities and Funds of Knowledge for Learning of Chinese Language
  10.2  Students' Sociolinguistic Activities-Based and Funds of Knowledge-Oriented Approach for Constructing Localised Student-Centred Chinese Curriculum
  10.3  Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research
  10.4  Theoretical and Practical Contributions and Implications of this Study

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