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  • 作者:胡啟洲|責編:張文越
  • 出版社:西南交大
  • ISBN:9787564398194
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:231
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Background
  1.2  Foreign HSR Natural Disaster Warning Systems
    1.2.1  Japan's HSR Natural Disaster Warning System
    1.2.2  French HSR Natural Disaster Warning System
    1.2.3  German HSR Natural Disaster Warning System
  1.3  China's HSR Natural Disaster Warning System
    1.3.1  HSR Natural Disaster Warning System
    1.3.2  Functions of the HSR Natural Disaster Warning System
  1.4  Main Warning Content
2  An Earthquake Disaster Warning System for HSR Operation Safety
  2.1  Status Quo Analysis of Earthquake Early Warning System
    2.1.1  Japan's Earthquake Warning System
    2.1.2  French Earthquake Warning System
    2.1.3  German Earthquake Warning System
  2.2  Earthquake Warning System for HSR
    2.2.1  Acquisition and Identification of Earthquake Warning Information
    2.2.2  Early Warning Thresholds for Earthquakes
    2.2.3  Coupling System of Earthquake Warning System and Railway Disaster Prevention and Safety Warning System
    2.2.4  Information Sharing System for Earthquake Early Warning
  2.3  Influence Mechanisms of Earthquakes on HSR Operation Safety
    2.3.1  Analysis of Earthquake Characteristics for HSR
    2.3.2  Layout of Earthquake Monitoring Points for HSR
    2.3.3  Definition of HSR Earthquake Threshold
    2.3.4  Definition of the HSR Earthquake Alarm Range
  2.4  Earthquake Warning System for HSR
    2.4.1  Architecture of the HSR Earthquake Warning System
    2.4.2  HSR Earthquake Warning Process
  2.5  HSR Earthquake Warning Model
    2.5.1  Monitoring Range of Earthquakes
    2.5.2  Data Processing Model for HSR Earthquake Warning
    2.5.3  Earthquake Warning for HSR
    2.5.4  Composition of the HSR Earthquake Warning System
  2.6  Summary of This Chapter
3  A Lightning Warning System for HSR Operation Safety
  3.1  Status Quo Analysis of the HSR Lightning Warning System
    3.1.1  German HSR Lightning Warning System
    3.1.2  Japan's HSR Lightning Warning System
    3.1.3  China's HSR Lightning Warning System
    3.1.4  Comparison of HSR Lightning Warning Systems in China and Abroad
  3.2  Influence Mechanisms of Lightning on HSR Operation Safety
    3.2.1  Mechanism of the Lightning Impact on HSR Signal System
    3.2.2  Vulnerability of the HSR Traction Power Supply System in Lightning Environments
    3.2.3  Definition of Parameters for Lightning Hazard Warning
  3.3  Lightning Warning System for HSR Operation Safety
    3.3.1  Early Warning Methods for Lightning Hazards to HSR
    3.3.2  Lightning Hazard Warning System for HSR Operation Safety
4  A Temperature Warning System for HSR Operation Safety
  4.1  Current Situation Analysis for Temperature Disaster Warning System
    4.1.1  Japan's Temperature Warning System
    4.1.2  Warning System for Temperature Disasters in Britain
    4.1.3  Warning System for Temperature Disasters in Germany
    4.1.4  Warning System for Temperature Disasters in France
    4.1.5  Temperature Warning System of China's Harbin HSR
  4.2  Influence Mechanisms of the Temperature on the HSR Safety Operation
    4.2.1  Characteristic Analysis of High-Temperature Disasters
    4.2.2  Characteristic Analysis of Low-Temperature Disasters
    4.2.3  Definition of Parameters for the Temperature Monitoring and Warning
  4.3  Temperature Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
  4.4  HSR Rail Temperature Warning System
    4.4.1  Early Warning Content of the HSR Rail Temperature
    4.4.2  Data-Aware Model for the Rail Temperature Warning
    4.4.3  Early Warning System for the Rail Temperature
  4.5  Summary of This Chapter
5  A Rainstorm Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
  5.1  Study Status of the Rainstorm Warning System
    5.1.1  Early Warning System for Flooding Disasters in Japan
    5.1.2  Early Warning Systems for Rainfall Disasters in Various Areas of China
  5.2  Early Warning Mechanism for the HSR Safety Operation Under Disasters Caused by Rainstorms
    5.2.1  Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Disasters Caused by Rainstorms
    5.2.2  The Layout Principle of Rainfall Monitoring Points
  5.3  Influence Mechanisms of the Rainfall on the HSR Safety Operation
    5.3.1  Key Parameters of the Rainstorm Warning
    5.3.2  Rainfall Warning Mechanism
    5.3.3  Warning Thresholds for the Risk of Rain
    5.3.4  Three Levels of Warning for Rainfall Disasters
  5.4  Rainstorm'Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
  5.5  Early Warning System for Rainfall Catastrophe Safety Operations
    5.5.1  Warning Content of the Rainstorm Disaster
    5.5.2  Data-Aware Model for the Rainstorm Disaster Warning
    5.5.3  A Warning System for Rainstorm Disasters
  5.6  Summary of This Chapter
6  A Ecological Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
  6.1  Studying on the Geological Hazard Warning System
    6.1.1  Debris Flow Disaster Warning System in Switzerland
    6.1.2  Debris Flow Disaster Warning System in Austria
  6.2  Influence Mechanisms of the Debris Flow on the HSR Safety Operation
    6.2.1  Characterization of Debris Flow Hazards
    6.2.2  Key Parameters for Debris Flow Disaster Warning
    6.2.3  Threshold Discrimination of Geological Hazards
  6.3  Debris Flow Warning Architecture for the HSR Safety Operat
    6.4.3  HSR Geohazard Warning System
  6.5  Summary of This Chapter
7  A Crosswind Disaster Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
  7.1  Studies on the Crosswind Warning System
    7.1.1  Crosswind Monitoring and Warning System in Germany
    7.1.2  Crosswind Monitoring and Warning System in Japan
    7.1.3  Crosswind Monitoring and Warning System in China
    7.1.4  Comparative Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Crosswind Monitoring Systems
  7.2  Influence Mechanisms of the Crosswind on the HSR Safety Operation
    7.2.1  Characterization of Crosswind Hazards
    7.2.2  Key Parameters for Crosswind Monitoring
  7.3  Wind Speed Prediction Mechanism for the HSR Safety Operation
  7.4  Crosswind Warning Thresholds for the HSR Safety Operation
    7.4.1  Crosswind Operation Mechanism of German HSR
    7.4.2  Crosswind Operation Mechanism of Japan's HSR
    7.4.3  Crosswind Operation Mechanism of China's HSR
  7.5  Crosswind Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
    7.5.1  Crosswind Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
    7.5.2  Data-Aware Model for the Crosswind Warning
    7.5.3  Early Warning System for Crosswind Disaster Monitoring
  7.6  Crosswind Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
    7.6.1  Architecture of the Crosswind Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
    7.6.2  Design of the Remote Terminal Monitoring Unit for the Crosswind Warning System
    7.6.3  Software Design of the Crosswind Warning System
  7.7  Summary of This Chapter
8  An Integrated Natural Disaster Warning System for the HSR Safety Operation
  8.1  Integrated Natural Disaster Monitoring System for the HSR Safety Operation
  8.2  Natural Disaster Warning Model for the HSR Safety Operation
    8.2.1  Evaluation System for the HSR Natural Disaster Warning
    8.2.2  An Attribute Identification Model for the HSR Natural Disaster Warning
    8.2.3  Rough Set Prediction Model for the HSR Natural Disaster Warning
    8.2.4  Complex Matter-Element Model for the HSR Natural Disaster Warning
  8.3  Integrated Natural Disaster Warning Mechanism for the HSR Safe Operation
    8.3.1  Integrated Functions of the Natural Disaster Warning
    8.3.2  System Architecture for the Natural Disaster Warning
  8.4  Natural Disaster Warning System for the HSR Safe Operation
    8.4.1  Subsystems for the Natural Disaster Warning System
    8.4.2  HSR Integrated Early Warning System for Natural Disasters
  8.5  Summary

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