幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:王雪霏//吳文英|責編:鄒怡
  • 出版社:北京工業大學
  • ISBN:9787563986439
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:159
人民幣:RMB 46 元      售價:



Unit 1 Social Relationships
  Reading 1 Harmonious World: China's Ancient Philosophy
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 Women, Historical and Cross- Cultural Perspectives
  Reading Practice
Unit 2 Science and Investigation
  Reading 1 Unearthing China's Other Civilisation
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 What Is Archaeology
  Reading Practice
Unit 3 City Solution
  Reading 1 World Cities Day 2019: China Charts the Way for Global Urbanization
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 A Brief History of Urbanization
  Reading Practice
Unit 4 Danger Zones
  Reading 1 Beyond Borders: China's NGOs Respond to World's Natural Disasters
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 Why the Volcano Erupting in the Caribbean Has Such a Deadly Reputation
  Reading Practice
Unit 5 The Travel Business
  Reading 1 Ecotourism Is Booming in China
  Reading Practice
  1Reading 2 Positive Impacts of Tourism on the Environment
  Reading Practice
Unit 6 Information Design
  Reading 1 The Power of Big Data in China
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 What Colors Mean in Other Cultures
  Reading Practice
Unit 7 Global Challenges
  Reading 1 China is Leading the World in Sustainable Development
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 Bio Boom Time: How Finland Leads the World on Sustainable Development Goals
  Reading Practice
Unit 8 Medical Innovations
  Reading 1 China Quickly Moving up the Pharma Innovation Ladder
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 First Pig- to- Human Heart Transplant: What Can Scientists Learn
  Reading Practice
Unit 9 World Languages
  Reading 1 Four Stories: A Bridge of Language to Link Two Cultures
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 International Mother Language Day 2019: Revitalizing Endangered Languages, Preserving Various Cultures
  Reading Practice
Unit 10 Survival Instinct
  Reading 1 Chinese Ampute e Takes on a Mountain
  Reading Practice
  Reading 2 Nature Makes You Better— Five Countries Heeding the Call of the Wild
  Reading Practice

Answer Keys

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