幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:陳媛|責編:宋博雅|譯者:項歆妮
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508551548
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:259
人民幣:RMB 108 元      售價:



Preface: The whole world should pay tribute to the madam
Chapter 1: Life Is like a Net
  A devastating announcement
  Love saved my life
  Sacrifice for love
  The difficult journey to seek medical treatment
Chapter 2: Old Angels
  The most helpless cry for help
  I knelt on the bed to massage Grandma's back
  Grandma added little tails to my shoes
  Exclusive shoes for me
  The most powerful baby feet
Chapter 3: Different Fairy Tales
  A thrilling climb
  I cried for the doll
  My concert
  I called the kindergarten with a toy phone
  Hope was dashed because of my disability
  My paradise alone
Chapter 4: Love Enables Us to Read Messages from the Farthest Planet
  Interesting arithmetic
  Mobile literacy cards
  I secretly learned to write the character 「 tJ
  I expressed my love with a trembling pencil
Chapter 5: Jump, Jump
  I played hopscotch alone
  Grandma helped me to jump
  Applause for my leap
  The crescent mark on my instep
  Grandma forced me to ride a bike
  Even if I fell, I would learn to ride a bike
Chapter 6: Only Warm Tears Could Quench Thirst
  The call of life on the Chinese New Year's Eve
  The most painful cry
  Warm prayers
  A warm sweater vest
  A defense of love
  Grandma chewed peanuts and fed them to me
Chapter 7: Death Couldn't Catch Up with Me
  I set out in the darkness for love
  I brushed against death
  Tears in a warm embrace
  An innocent promise
  The most embarrassing love
  Grandma taught me to be kind
Chapter 8: Fireworks
  The severest criticism
  I ran away in anger and later asked for forgiveness
  A helpless mistake

Chapter 9: It Is True That We Are Not Different
  I wanted to be as capable as other people
  A swimming ring with a beautiful fairy
  Grandma taught me to swim
Chapter 10:l Had a Date with Death
  The happiest moment
  I cried when my parents announced their decision
  to get divorced
  Thinking of parting, I dated death
  I understood providence
  How could I live without Grandma
  Love was cut off by fate
Chapter 11:I Needed an Umbrella to Keep Out the Pouring Tears
  A phone call with tears
  The umbrella outside the classroom and the old gatekeeper
  Grandma was worried about me and later happy for me
  A serious conversation
Chapter 12: The Most Painful Moment in My Life
  Grandma's kneeling hurt me
  Grandma's indifference
  Grandma encouraged me to learn by myself
  A set of precious books
  The happiest smile
Chapter 13: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky
  I was warmed by love in despair
  Grandma was waiting for me by the river
  After Grandma scolded me, I gave up my plan to commit suicide
  Grandma, please allow me to bring you love
  The most painful strike
  The heaviest agreement
Chapter 14:The News of Grandma's Illness Struck Me like a Bolt from the Blue
  The sky of love was crushed by the bad news
  Silent prayers
  Unspoken concerns
  Bitterness mixed with sweetness
  I wanted to give Grandma a harbor
  Comfort in despair
Chapter 15:Please Delay the Train to Heaven. Let Me Give Her Warmth for the Last Time
  Grandma was proud of me
  I relieved her pain with the warmth of love
  I comforted her with laughter
  A terrible notice of critical illness
Chapter 16: Grandma on the Cloud
  A cruel expulsion
  A lifelong regret
  A crystal heart
  Grandma's love illuminates my life
Epigraph: Love makes miracles

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